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Gene Lee
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2010-2020
Publications (10 Years): 4
Top Topics
United States
Systematic Review
Instant Messaging
Community Driven
Top Venues
HCI (3)
Mario Marin
Gene Lee
Jaeho Kim
Multiple Resolution Modeling: A Particular Case of Distributed Simulation.
11 (10) (2020)
Kyungeun Lee
Gene Lee
Luis Rabelo
A Systematic Review of the Multi-Resolution Modeling (MRM) for Integration of Live, Virtual, and Constructive Systems.
11 (10) (2020)
Jie Zhang
Gene Lee
Jingguo Wang
A Comparative Analysis of Univariate Time Series Methods for Estimating and Forecasting Daily Spam in United States.
Luis Rabelo
Kiyoul Kim
Tae Woong Park
John Pastrana
Mario Marin
Gene Lee
Khalid Nagadi
Bibi Ibrahim
Edgar Gutiérrez
Multi resolution modeling.
Kiyoul Kim
Tae Woong Park
John Pastrana
Mario Marin
Edwin A. Cortes
Luis C. Rabelo
Gene Lee
Modeling of complex scenarios using LVC simulation.
Erman Çakit
Waldemar Karwowski
Halil Bozkurt
Tareq Z. Ahram
William Thompson
Piotr Mikusinski
Gene Lee
Investigating the relationship between adverse events and infrastructure development in an active war theater using soft computing techniques.
Appl. Soft Comput.
25 (2014)
Tae Woong Park
Si-Jung Kim
Gene Lee
A Study of Emoticon Use in Instant Messaging from Smartphone.
HCI (3)
Nigel W. T. Quinn
Daniel B. Cozad
Gene Lee
Information Technology and Decision Support Tools for Stakeholder-Driven River Basin Salinity Management.