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Gaonan Zhang
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2002-2016
Publications (10 Years): 1
Top Topics
Object Classification
Machine Learning Methods
Classification Process
Early Stage
Top Venues
Comput. Biol. Medicine
Yuan Gao
Gaonan Zhang
Beth Jelfs
Robert Carmer
Prahatha Venkatraman
Mohammad Ghadami
Skye A. Brown
Chi-Pui Pang
Yuk Fai Leung
Rosa H. M. Chan
Mingzhi Zhang
Computational classification of different wild-type zebrafish strains based on their variation in light-induced locomotor response.
Comput. Biol. Medicine
69 (2016)
Gaonan Zhang
Guoan Bi
Alex ChiChung Kot
Intersymbol decorrelating detector for asynchronous CDMA systems.
J. Commun. Networks
9 (1) (2007)
Gaonan Zhang
Guoan Bi
Qian Yu
Intersymbol Decorrelating Detector for Asynchronous CDMA Networks with Multipath.
EURASIP J. Wirel. Commun. Netw.
2005 (3) (2005)
Qian Yu
Guoan Bi
Gaonan Zhang
Improved blind multipath estimation for long code DS-CDMA.
J. Commun. Networks
7 (3) (2005)
Gaonan Zhang
Guoan Bi
Qian Yu
Blind intersymbol decorrelating detector for asynchronous multicarrier CDMA system.
Signal Process.
85 (8) (2005)
Gaonan Zhang
Guoan Bi
Liren Zhang
Group-blind intersymbol multiuser detection for downlink CDMA with multipath.
IEEE Trans. Wirel. Commun.
4 (2) (2005)
Gaonan Zhang
Guoan Bi
Liren Zhang
Blind multiuser detection for asynchronous MC-CDMA systems without channel estimation.
IEEE Trans. Veh. Technol.
53 (4) (2004)
Qian Yu
Gaonan Zhang
Guoan Bi
Blind multipath estimation with Toeplitz displacement for long code DS-CDMA.
Gaonan Zhang
Guoan Bi
Efficient algorithms for space-time multiuser detection.