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Florian Hahn
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2021-2023
Publications (10 Years): 13
Top Topics
Homomorphic Encryption
Bloom Filter
Related Documents
Likelihood Ratio
Top Venues
IET Biom.
César Sabater
Florian Hahn
Andreas Peter
Jan Ramon
Private Sampling with Identifiable Cheaters.
Proc. Priv. Enhancing Technol.
2023 (2) (2023)
Carlotta Tagliaro
Florian Hahn
Riccardo Sepe
Alessio Aceti
Martina Lindorfer
I Still Know What You Watched Last Sunday: Privacy of the HbbTV Protocol in the European Smart TV Landscape.
Vitomir Pavlov
Florian Hahn
Mohammad El-Hajj
Security Aspects of Digital Twins in IoT.
Jeroen Weener
Florian Hahn
Andreas Peter
Libertas: Backward Private Dynamic Searchable Symmetric Encryption Supporting Wildcards.
Marco Dijkslag
Marc Damie
Florian Hahn
Andreas Peter
Passive Query-Recovery Attack Against Secure Conjunctive Keyword Search Schemes.
Amina Bassit
Florian Hahn
Raymond N. J. Veldhuis
Andreas Peter
Multiplication-Free Biometric Recognition for Faster Processing under Encryption.
Amina Bassit
Florian Hahn
Raymond N. J. Veldhuis
Andreas Peter
Hybrid biometric template protection: Resolving the agony of choice between bloom filters and homomorphic encryption.
IET Biom.
11 (5) (2022)
Federico Mazzone
Leander van den Heuvel
Maximilian Huber
Cristian Verdecchia
Maarten H. Everts
Florian Hahn
Andreas Peter
Repeated Knowledge Distillation with Confidence Masking to Mitigate Membership Inference Attacks.
Marc Damie
Florian Hahn
Andreas Peter
A Highly Accurate Query-Recovery Attack against Searchable Encryption using Non-Indexed Documents.
USENIX Security Symposium
Ruben Groot Roessink
Andreas Peter
Florian Hahn
Experimental Review of the IKK Query Recovery Attack: Assumptions, Recovery Rate and Improvements.
ACNS (2)
Amina Bassit
Florian Hahn
Joep Peeters
Tom Kevenaar
Raymond N. J. Veldhuis
Andreas Peter
Biometric Verification Secure Against Malicious Adversaries.
Amina Bassit
Florian Hahn
Chris G. Zeinstra
Raymond N. J. Veldhuis
Andreas Peter
Bloom Filter vs Homomorphic Encryption: Which approach protects the biometric data and satisfies ISO/IEC 24745?
Amina Bassit
Florian Hahn
Joep Peeters
Tom Kevenaar
Raymond N. J. Veldhuis
Andreas Peter
Fast and Accurate Likelihood Ratio-Based Biometric Verification Secure Against Malicious Adversaries.
IEEE Trans. Inf. Forensics Secur.
16 (2021)