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Feng Gao
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2011-2023
Publications (10 Years): 14
Top Topics
Smart City
Reading Comprehension
Data Streams
Automated Discovery
Top Venues
Data Intell.
ESWC (1)
Int. J. Web Serv. Res.
Future Gener. Comput. Syst.
Feng Gao
Jin Hou
Jinguang Gu
Lihua Zhang
Knowledge Graph based Mutual Attention for Machine Reading Comprehension over Anti-Terrorism Corpus.
Data Intell.
5 (3) (2023)
Feng Gao
Zihang Yang
Jinguang Gu
Junjun Cheng
Machine Reading Comprehension Based on Hybrid Attention and Controlled Generation.
Feng Gao
Kai Yuan
Jinguang Gu
Yun Liu
MRIGAT: Many-to-many Recommendation using Interaction based Knowledge Graph Attention.
Danyang Hu
Meng Wang
Feng Gao
Fangfang Xu
Jinguang Gu
Knowledge Representation and Reasoning for Complex Time Expression in Clinical Text.
Data Intell.
4 (3) (2022)
Heng He
Jiaqi Liu
Jinguang Gu
Feng Gao
An Efficient Multi-Keyword Search Scheme over Encrypted Data in Multi-Cloud Environment.
Meng Wang
Feng Gao
Jinguang Gu
Process-Aware Dialogue System With Clinical Guideline Knowledge.
Int. J. Web Serv. Res.
19 (1) (2022)
Sefki Kolozali
María Bermúdez-Edo
Nazli FarajiDavar
Payam M. Barnaghi
Feng Gao
Muhammad Intizar Ali
Alessandra Mileo
Marten Fischer
Thorben Iggena
Daniel Kuemper
Ralf Tönjes
Observing the Pulse of a City: A Smart City Framework for Real-Time Discovery, Federation, and Aggregation of Data Streams.
IEEE Internet Things J.
6 (2) (2019)
Muhammad Intizar Ali
Naomi Ono
Mahedi Kaysar
Zia Ush-Shamszaman
Thu-Le Pham
Feng Gao
Keith Griffin
Alessandra Mileo
Real-time data analytics and event detection for IoT-enabled communication systems.
J. Web Semant.
42 (2017)
Feng Gao
Muhammad Intizar Ali
Edward Curry
Alessandra Mileo
Automated discovery and integration of semantic urban data streams: The ACEIS middleware.
Future Gener. Comput. Syst.
76 (2017)
Chan Le Van
Feng Gao
Muhammad Intizar Ali
Optimizing the Performance of Concurrent RDF Stream Processing Queries.
ESWC (1)
Feng Gao
Muhammad Intizar Ali
Edward Curry
Alessandra Mileo
QoS-Aware Stream Federation and Optimization Based on Service Composition.
Int. J. Semantic Web Inf. Syst.
12 (4) (2016)
Dan Puiu
Payam M. Barnaghi
Ralf Toenjes
Daniel Kuemper
Muhammad Intizar Ali
Alessandra Mileo
Josiane Xavier Parreira
Marten Fischer
Sefki Kolozali
Nazli FarajiDavar
Feng Gao
Thorben Iggena
Thu-Le Pham
Cosmin-Septimiu Nechifor
Daniel Puschmann
João Fernandes
CityPulse: Large Scale Data Analytics Framework for Smart Cities.
IEEE Access
4 (2016)
Andreas Kamilaris
Feng Gao
Francesc X. Prenafeta-Boldu
Muhammad Intizar Ali
Agri-IoT: A semantic framework for Internet of Things-enabled smart farming applications.
Feng Gao
Muhammad Intizar Ali
Edward Curry
Alessandra Mileo
QoS-aware adaptation for complex event service.
Muhammad Intizar Ali
Feng Gao
Alessandra Mileo
CityBench: A Configurable Benchmark to Evaluate RSP Engines Using Smart City Datasets.
ISWC (2)
Feng Gao
Edward Curry
Muhammad Intizar Ali
Sami Bhiri
Alessandra Mileo
QoS-Aware Complex Event Service Composition and Optimization Using Genetic Algorithms.
Feng Gao
Edward Curry
Sami Bhiri
Complex event service provision and composition based on event pattern matchmaking.
Feng Gao
Sami Bhiri
Capability Annotation of Actions Based on Their Textual Descriptions.
Feng Gao
Muhammad Intizar Ali
Alessandra Mileo
Semantic Discovery and Integration of Urban Data Streams.
Feng Gao
Sami Bhiri
User centric complex event processing based on service oriented architectures.
Feng Gao
Wassim Derguech
Ubiquitous Service Capability Modeling and Similarity Based Searching.
WISE Workshops
Maciej Zaremba
Tomas Vitvar
Sami Bhiri
Wassim Derguech
Feng Gao
Service Offer Descriptions and Expressive Search Requests - Key Enablers of Late Service Binding.
Feng Gao
Wassim Derguech
Maciej Zaremba
Extending BPMN 2.0 to Enable Links between Process Models and ARIS Views Modeled with Linked Data.
BIS (Workshops)
Feng Gao
Maciej Zaremba
Sami Bhiri
Wassim Derguech
Extending BPMN 2.0 with Sensor and Smart Device Business Functions.
Wassim Derguech
Feng Gao
Sami Bhiri
Configurable Process Models for Logistics Case Study for Customs Clearance Processes.
Business Process Management Workshops (2)
ZhangBing Zhou
Feng Gao
Lei Shu
Service Protocol Replaceability Assessment in Mediated Service Interactions.