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Fábio L. Verdi
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2017-2024
Publications (10 Years): 21
Top Topics
Scientific Publications
Network Monitoring
Abstraction Layer
Top Venues
IEEE Trans. Netw. Serv. Manag.
Thiago Caproni Tavares
Leandro C. de Almeida
Washington Rodrigo Dias da Silva
Marco Chiesa
Fábio L. Verdi
TimeGAN as a Simulator for Reinforcement Learning Training in Programmable Data Planes.
Leandro C. de Almeida
Washington Rodrigo Dias da Silva
Thiago Caproni Tavares
Rafael Pasquini
Chrysa Papagianni
Fábio L. Verdi
DESiRED - Dynamic, Enhanced, and Smart iRED: A P4-AQM with Deep Reinforcement Learning and In-band Network Telemetry.
Comput. Networks
244 (2024)
Felipe A. S. Novais
Fábio L. Verdi
Unlocking Security to the Board: An Evaluation of SmartNIC-driven TLS Acceleration with kTLS.
Fábio L. Verdi
Gustavo V. Luz
InFaRR: In-Network Fast ReRouting.
IEEE Trans. Netw. Serv. Manag.
20 (3) (2023)
Leandro C. de Almeida
Washington Rodrigo Dias da Silva
Thiago C. Tavares
Rafael Pasquini
Chrysa Papagianni
Fábio L. Verdi
DESiRED - Dynamic, Enhanced, and Smart iRED: A P4-AQM with Deep Reinforcement Learning and In-band Network Telemetry.
Marco Chiesa
Fábio L. Verdi
Network Monitoring on Multi-Pipe Switches.
Proc. ACM Meas. Anal. Comput. Syst.
7 (1) (2023)
Marco Chiesa
Fábio L. Verdi
Network Monitoring on Multi-Pipe Switches.
SIGMETRICS (Abstracts)
Leandro C. de Almeida
Guilherme Matos
Rafael Pasquini
Chrysa Papagianni
Fábio L. Verdi
iRED: Improving the DASH QoS by dropping packets in programmable data planes.
Sofia A. M. Silveira
Luciana A. M. Zaina
Leobino N. Sampaio
Fábio L. Verdi
On the evaluation of usability design guidelines for improving network monitoring tools interfaces.
J. Syst. Softw.
187 (2022)
Thiago Bueno da Silva
Fábio L. Verdi
Juliano Coelho Gonçalves de Melo
José Augusto Suruagy Monteiro
Flávio Oliveira Silva
Antônio Marcos Alberti
Toward Next-Generation and Service-Defined Networks: A NovaGenesis Control Agent for Future Internet Exchange Point.
IEEE Netw.
36 (3) (2022)
Gustavo V. Luz
André Luiz Beltrami Rocha
Leandro C. de Almeida
Fábio L. Verdi
InFaRR: Um algoritmo para reroteamento rápido em planos de dados programáveis.
Kevin B. Costa
Felipe Sampaio Dantas da Silva
Augusto J. V. Neto
Fábio L. Verdi
Towards Edge-Cloud-Supported Monitoring at Cloud-Network Slice Granularity.
Leandro C. de Almeida
Fábio L. Verdi
Rafael Pasquini
Estimando métricas de serviço através de In-band Network Telemetry.
Leandro C. de Almeida
Rafael Pasquini
Fábio L. Verdi
Using Machine Learning and In-band Network Telemetry for Service Metrics Estimation.
André Luiz Beltrami Rocha
Paulo Ditarso Maciel
Francesco Tusa
Celso Henrique Cesila
Christian Esteve Rothenberg
Rafael Pasquini
Fábio L. Verdi
Design and Implementation of an Elastic Monitoring Architecture for Cloud Network Slices.
Sergi Vila
Nilson Moraes
Fernando Guirado
Josep L. Lérida
Fernando Cores
Fábio L. Verdi
Cloud Resources Reassignment Based on CPU and Bandwidth Correlation.
André Luiz Beltrami Rocha
Celso Henrique Cesila
Paulo Ditarso Maciel
Christian Esteve Rothenberg
Fábio L. Verdi
Elastic Monitoring Architecture for Cloud Network Slices.
Sergi Vila
Josep L. Lérida
Fernando Cores
Fernando Guirado
Fábio L. Verdi
WPSP: A Multi-correlated Weighted Policy for VM Selection and Migration for Cloud Computing.
Rafael Pasquini
Javier Baliosian
Joan Serrat
Juan-Luis Gorricho
Augusto Neto
Fábio L. Verdi
Inferring Cloud-Network Slice's Requirements from Non-Structured Service Description.
Leandro C. de Almeida
Paulo Ditarso Maciel Jr.
Fábio L. Verdi
Cloud Network Slicing: A systematic mapping study from scientific publications.
Hélio Tibagí de Oliveira
Luciana A. M. Zaina
Leobino N. Sampaio
Fábio L. Verdi
Estudo sobre características de administradores de redes de computadores no Brasil para identificação e elaboração de personas.