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Eswaran Perumal
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2020-2024
Publications (10 Years): 8
Top Topics
Neural Network
Support Vector
Disease Diagnosis
Decision Support
Top Venues
Int. J. Imaging Syst. Technol.
ACM Trans. Internet Techn.
J. Medical Imaging Health Informatics
J. Ambient Intell. Humaniz. Comput.
Eunmok Yang
K. Shankar
Eswaran Perumal
Changho Seo
Optimal Fuzzy Logic Enabled EEG Motor Imagery Classification for Brain Computer Interface.
IEEE Access
12 (2024)
K. Shankar
Eswaran Perumal
Mohamed Elhoseny
Fatma Taher
B. B. Gupta
Ahmed A. Abd El-Latif
Synergic Deep Learning for Smart Health Diagnosis of COVID-19 for Connected Living and Smart Cities.
ACM Trans. Internet Techn.
22 (3) (2022)
Jerlin Rubini Lambert
Eswaran Perumal
Oppositional firefly optimization based optimal feature selection in chronic kidney disease classification using deep neural network.
J. Ambient Intell. Humaniz. Comput.
13 (4) (2022)
K. Shankar
Eswaran Perumal
Prayag Tiwari
Mohammad Shorfuzzaman
Deepak Gupta
Deep learning and evolutionary intelligence with fusion-based feature extraction for detection of COVID-19 from chest X-ray images.
Multim. Syst.
28 (4) (2022)
K. Shankar
Eswaran Perumal
Vicente García-Díaz
Prayag Tiwari
Deepak Gupta
Abdul Khader Jilani Saudagar
Khan Muhammad
An optimal cascaded recurrent neural network for intelligent COVID-19 detection using Chest X-ray images.
Appl. Soft Comput.
113 (Part) (2021)
Pramila Arulanthu
Eswaran Perumal
An intelligent IoT with cloud centric medical decision support system for chronic kidney disease prediction.
Int. J. Imaging Syst. Technol.
30 (3) (2020)
L. Jerlin Rubini
Eswaran Perumal
Efficient classification of chronic kidney disease by using multi-kernel support vector machine and fruit fly optimization algorithm.
Int. J. Imaging Syst. Technol.
30 (3) (2020)
L. Jerlin Rubini
Eswaran Perumal
Hybrid Kernel Support Vector Machine Classifier and Grey Wolf Optimization Algorithm Based Intelligent Classification Algorithm for Chronic Kidney Disease.
J. Medical Imaging Health Informatics
10 (10) (2020)