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Enas M. Al-Lozi
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2012-2018
Publications (10 Years): 1
Top Topics
Social Networking
Role Playing
Conceptual Framework
Top Venues
Decis. Support Syst.
Int. J. E Bus. Res.
J. Enterp. Inf. Manag.
Omar Salameh Al-Hujran
Enas M. Al-Lozi
Mutaz M. Al-Debei
Mahmoud Maqableh
Challenges of Cloud Computing Adoption From the TOE Framework Perspective.
Int. J. E Bus. Res.
14 (3) (2018)
Mutaz M. Al-Debei
Enas M. Al-Lozi
Omar Salameh Al-Hujran
Critical design and evaluation factors of mobile business models: "Road block" eradicators for mobile networks operators.
J. Enterp. Inf. Manag.
28 (5) (2015)
Mutaz M. Al-Debei
Enas M. Al-Lozi
Explaining and predicting the adoption intention of mobile data services: A value-based approach.
Comput. Hum. Behav.
35 (2014)
Enas M. Al-Lozi
Mutaz M. Al-Debei
Anas Aloudat
Value Capturing and Role Playing in Social Networking Sites.
IEEE Technol. Soc. Mag.
33 (1) (2014)
Mutaz M. Al-Debei
Enas M. Al-Lozi
Guy Fitzgerald
Engineering innovative mobile data services: Developing a model for value network analysis and design.
Bus. Process. Manag. J.
19 (2) (2013)
Mutaz M. Al-Debei
Enas M. Al-Lozi
Anastasia Papazafeiropoulou
Why people keep coming back to Facebook: Explaining and predicting continuance participation from an extended theory of planned behaviour perspective.
Decis. Support Syst.
55 (1) (2013)
Mutaz M. Al-Debei
Dima Jalal
Enas M. Al-Lozi
Measuring web portals success: a respecification and validation of the DeLone and McLean information systems success model.
Int. J. Bus. Inf. Syst.
14 (1) (2013)
Mutaz M. Al-Debei
Enas M. Al-Lozi
Implementations of ICT Innovations: A Comparative Analysis in terms of Challenges between Developed and Developing Countries
Enas M. Al-Lozi
Mutaz M. Al-Debei
A Framework of Value Exchange and Role Playing in Web 2.0 WebSites