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Emily G. Jacobs
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2020-2023
Publications (10 Years): 5
Top Topics
Electrical Activity
Regression Methods
Human Brain
Distance Transform
Top Venues
Top. Cogn. Sci.
ICCV (Workshops)
Adele Myers
Caitlin M. Taylor
Emily G. Jacobs
Nina Miolane
Geodesic Regression Characterizes 3D Shape Changes in the Female Brain During Menstruation.
Mary Hegarty
Chuanxiuyue He
Alexander P. Boone
Shuying Yu
Emily G. Jacobs
Elizabeth R. Chrastil
Understanding Differences in Wayfinding Strategies.
Top. Cogn. Sci.
15 (1) (2023)
Adele Myers
Caitlin M. Taylor
Emily G. Jacobs
Nina Miolane
Geodesic Regression Characterizes 3D Shape Changes in the Female Brain During Menstruation.
ICCV (Workshops)
Laura Pritschet
Tyler Santander
Caitlin M. Taylor
Evan Layher
Shuying Yu
Michael B. Miller
Scott T. Grafton
Emily G. Jacobs
Functional reorganization of brain networks across the human menstrual cycle.
220 (2020)
Caitlin M. Taylor
Laura Pritschet
Rosanna K. Olsen
Evan Layher
Tyler Santander
Scott T. Grafton
Emily G. Jacobs
Progesterone shapes medial temporal lobe volume across the human menstrual cycle.
220 (2020)