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Ekin Arabul
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2018-2023
Publications (10 Years): 12
Top Topics
Transport Network
Digital Signal Processor
Quantum Computing
Relevant Literature
Top Venues
IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas.
Romerson Deiny Oliveira
Sima Bahrani
Ekin Arabul
Rui Wang
Reza Nejabati
Dimitra Simeonidou
FPGA-based Deterministic and Low-Latency Control for Distributed Quantum Computing.
INFOCOM Workshops
Ekin Arabul
Romerson Deiny Oliveira
Rui Wang
Reza Nejabati
Dimitra Simeonidou
Experimental Demonstration of Integrated Low-Cost High-Precision Timing Solution for Optical Transport Networks Supporting 5G.
Romerson Deiny Oliveira
Ekin Arabul
Rui Wang
C. Vrontos
Reza Nejabati
Dimitra Simeonidou
Programmable, Latency-Aware and Dynamic Quantum-Secured Optical Network with Key Refresh Rate Negotiation and QKD Sharing.
R. D. Oliveira
Ekin Arabul
Rui Wang
George T. Kanellos
Reja Nejabati
Dimitra Simeonidou
Demonstration of a Resilient and Quantum-Secured Time-Shared Optical Network with Multi-Level Programmability.
Ekin Arabul
Romerson Deiny Oliveira
Amin Emami
Stavros Typos
Constantinos Vrontos
Rui Wang
Reza Nejabati
Dimitra Simeonidou
100-Gbps quantum-secured and O-RAN-enabled programmable optical transport network for 5G fronthaul.
15 (8) (2022)
Karcius D. R. Assis
R. D. Oliveira
Ekin Arabul
Rui Wang
Raul C. Almeida
R. Nejabati
Dimitra Simeonidou
Resources Optimization for a Resilient Time-Shared Optical Network.
Ekin Arabul
Rodrigo Stange Tessinari
Obada Alia
Emilio Hugues-Salas
George T. Kanellos
Reza Nejabati
Dimitra Simeonidou
Experimental Demonstration of Programmable 100 Gb/s SDN-Enabled Encryptors/Decryptors for QKD Networks.
Rodrigo Stange Tessinari
Ekin Arabul
Obada Alia
Abubakar Siddique Muqaddas
George T. Kanellos
Reza Nejabati
Dimitra Simeonidou
Demonstration of a Dynamic QKD Network Control Using a QKD-Aware SDN Application Over a Programmable Hardware Encryptor.
Ekin Arabul
Rodrigo Stange Tessinari
Obada Alia
Romerson Deiny Oliveira
George T. Kanellos
Reza Nejabati
Dimitra Simeonidou
100 Gb/s dynamically programmable SDN-enabled hardware encryptor for optical networks.
14 (1) (2021)
Scott Tancock
Ekin Arabul
Naim Dahnoun
A Review of New Time-to-Digital Conversion Techniques.
IEEE Trans. Instrum. Meas.
68 (10) (2019)
Scott Tancock
Ekin Arabul
Naim Dahnoun
Shahid Mehmood
Can DSP48A1 adders be used for high-resolution delay generation?
Ekin Arabul
John G. Rarity
Naim Dahnoun
FPGA based fast integrated real-time multi coincidence counter using a time-to-digital converter.