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Dierk Jugel
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2011-2021
Publications (10 Years): 20
Top Topics
Big Data
Enterprise Architecture
Top Venues
EDOC Workshops
Complex Syst. Informatics Model. Q.
Alfred Zimmermann
Rainer Schmidt
Kurt Sandkuhl
Dierk Jugel
Christian M. Schweda
Michael Möhring
Barbara Keller
Conceptualizing Artificial Intelligence-Based Service Ecosystems.
AHFE (8)
Kurt Sandkuhl
Alfred Zimmermann
Rainer Schmidt
Dierk Jugel
Michael Möhring
Managing the Architecture Complexity of Intelligent Digital Systems.
PoEM Workshops
Alfred Zimmermann
Rainer Schmidt
Dierk Jugel
Michael Möhring
Evolution of Enterprise Architecture for Intelligent Digital Systems.
Alfred Zimmermann
Rainer Schmidt
Kurt Sandkuhl
Dierk Jugel
Intelligent Decision Management for Architecting Service-Dominant Digital Products.
Dierk Jugel
Christian M. Schweda
Alfred Zimmermann
Discussing Hierarchic Viewpoints Theoretical Considerations and a Practical Example.
Complex Syst. Informatics Model. Q.
19 (2019)
Alfred Zimmermann
Rainer Schmidt
Kurt Sandkuhl
Dierk Jugel
Justus Bogner
Michael Möhring
Architecting Service-Dominant Digital Products.
ENASE (Selected Papers)
Dierk Jugel
Modeling Interactive Enterprise Architecture Visualizations: An Extended Architecture Description.
Complex Syst. Informatics Model. Q.
16 (2018)
Dierk Jugel
Christian M. Schweda
Christina Bauer
Jawed Zamani
Alfred Zimmermann
A Metamodel to Integrate Control Objectives into Viewpoints for EA Management.
BIR Workshops
Alfred Zimmermann
Rainer Schmidt
Justus Bogner
Dierk Jugel
Michael Möhring
Software Evolution for Digital Transformation.
Alfred Zimmermann
Rainer Schmidt
Kurt Sandkuhl
Dierk Jugel
Justus Bogner
Michael Möhring
Evolution of Enterprise Architecture for Digital Transformation.
EDOC Workshops
Alfred Zimmermann
Rainer Schmidt
Kurt Sandkuhl
Dierk Jugel
Justus Bogner
Michael Möhring
Decision Management for Micro-Granular Digital Architecture.
EDOC Workshops
Alfred Zimmermann
Rainer Schmidt
Kurt Sandkuhl
Dierk Jugel
Justus Bogner
Michael Möhring
Decision-Controlled Digitization Architecture for Internet of Things and Microservices.
Alfred Zimmermann
Rainer Schmidt
Kurt Sandkuhl
Dierk Jugel
Justus Bogner
Michael Möhring
Open Integration of Digital Architecture Models for Micro-granular Systems and Services.
Alfred Zimmermann
Justus Bogner
Rainer Schmidt
Dierk Jugel
Christian M. Schweda
Michael Möhring
Digital Enterprise Architecture with Micro-granular Systems and Services.
BIR Workshops
Stefan Kehrer
Dierk Jugel
Alfred Zimmermann
A systematic literature review of big data literature for EA evolution.
Alfred Zimmermann
Rainer Schmidt
Kurt Sandkuhl
Dierk Jugel
Justus Bogner
Michael Möhring
Multi-perspective Digitization Architecture for the Internet of Things.
BIS (Workshops)
Dierk Jugel
Kurt Sandkuhl
Alfred Zimmermann
Visual Analytics in Enterprise Architecture Management: A Systematic Literature Review.
BIS (Workshops)
Birger Lantow
Dierk Jugel
Matthias Wißotzki
Benjamin Lehmann
Ole Zimmermann
Kurt Sandkuhl
Towards a Classification Framework for Approaches to Enterprise Architecture Analysis.
Stefan Kehrer
Dierk Jugel
Alfred Zimmermann
Categorizing Requirements for Enterprise Architecture Management in Big Data Literature.
EDOC Workshops
Alfred Zimmermann
Dierk Jugel
Kurt Sandkuhl
Rainer Schmidt
Christian M. Schweda
Michael Möhring
Architectural Decision Management for Digital Transformation of Products and Services.
Complex Syst. Informatics Model. Q.
6 (2016)
Dierk Jugel
Stefan Kehrer
Christian M. Schweda
Alfred Zimmermann
A Decision-Making Case for Collaborative Enterprise Architecture Engineering.
Dierk Jugel
Christian M. Schweda
Alfred Zimmermann
Modeling Decisions for Collaborative Enterprise Architecture Engineering.
CAiSE Workshops
Alfred Zimmermann
Dierk Jugel
Rainer Schmidt
Christian M. Schweda
Michael Möhring
Collaborative Decision Support for Adaptive Digital Enterprise Architecture.
BIR Workshops
Alfred Zimmermann
Rainer Schmidt
Dierk Jugel
Michael Möhring
Evolving enterprise architectures for digital transformations.
Alfred Zimmermann
Rainer Schmidt
Dierk Jugel
Michael Möhring
Adaptive Enterprise Architecture for Digital Transformation.
ESOCC Workshops
Alfred Zimmermann
Rainer Schmidt
Kurt Sandkuhl
Dierk Jugel
Michael Möhring
Matthias Wißotzki
Enterprise architecture management for the Internet of things.
Alfred Zimmermann
Rainer Schmidt
Kurt Sandkuhl
Matthias Wißotzki
Dierk Jugel
Michael Möhring
Digital Enterprise Architecture - Transformation for the Internet of Things.
EDOC Workshops
Christoph Wenzel
Dierk Jugel
Baris Cubukcuoglu
Sebastian Breitbach
Tobias Gorhan
Daniel Hammer
Konzeption und prototypische Umsetzung eines Architekturcockpits.
Dierk Jugel
Stefan Kehrer
Christian M. Schweda
Alfred Zimmermann
Providing EA decision support for stakeholders by automated analyses.
Dierk Jugel
Christian M. Schweda
Alfred Zimmermann
Sandra Läufer
Tool Capability in Visual EAM Analytics.
Complex Syst. Informatics Model. Q.
2 (2015)
Dierk Jugel
Christian M. Schweda
Interactive Functions of a Cockpit for Enterprise Architecture Planning.
EDOC Workshops
Rainer Schmidt
Matthias Wißotzki
Dierk Jugel
Michael Möhring
Kurt Sandkuhl
Alfred Zimmermann
Towards a Framework for Enterprise Architecture Analytics.
EDOC Workshops
Rainer Schmidt
Alfred Zimmermann
Michael Möhring
Dierk Jugel
Florian Bär
Christian M. Schweda
Social-Software-Based Support for Enterprise Architecture Management Processes.
Business Process Management Workshops
Alfred Zimmermann
Kurt Sandkuhl
Rainer Schmidt
Dierk Jugel
Matthias Wißotzki
Michael Möhring
Adaptive Digitale Enterprise Architekturen für Big Data und Cloud-Systeme.
Florian Bär
Rainer Schmidt
Michael Möhring
Alfred Zimmermann
Dierk Jugel
A Configuration-Management-Database Driven Approach for Fabric-Process Specification and Automation.
OTM Workshops
Dierk Jugel
Kurt Sandkuhl
Alfred Zimmermann
Towards Visual EAM Analytics: Explorative Research Study with Master Students.
Alfred Zimmermann
Kurt Sandkuhl
Michael Pretz
Michael Falkenthal
Dierk Jugel
Matthias Wißotzki
Towards an integrated service-oriented reference enterprise architecture.
René Reiners
Michael Falkenthal
Dierk Jugel
Alfred Zimmermann
Requirements for a collaborative formulation process of evolutionary patterns.
Dierk Jugel
Michael Falkenthal
Christian M. Schweda
Michael Pretz
Alfred Zimmermann
Von der Softwarekartographie zur Corporate Intelligence.
Alfred Zimmermann
Kurt Sandkuhl
Michael Pretz
Michael Falkenthal
Dierk Jugel
Matthias Wißotzki
Metamodell-basierte Integration von Service-orientierten EA-Referenzarchitekturen.
Michael Falkenthal
Dierk Jugel
Ontologie zur Repräsentation und Auswertung von Problemdiagnose- und Problemlösungswissen im Kontext eines semantikerweiterten Kennzahlendashboards.
Michael Falkenthal
Dierk Jugel
Alfred Zimmermann
René Reiners
Wilfried Reimann
Michael Pretz
Maturity Assessments of Service-oriented Enterprise Architectures with Iterative Pattern Refinement.
Dierk Jugel
Michael Falkenthal
Hans-Jürgen Groß
Jochen Herrmann
Gunther Piller
Alfred Zimmermann
Architecture Reference Lab des SOA Innovation Lab.
Engin Celenk
Michael Falkenthal
Daniel Gaebler
Dierk Jugel
Bastian Maucher
Benjamin Westphal
Semantik-gestütztes integrales Monitoring von SOA Plattformen.