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Darija Medvecki
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2024-2024
Publications (10 Years): 4
Top Topics
Topic Modeling
Short Texts
Question Answer
Scientific Knowledge
Top Venues
Adela Ljajic
Milos Kosprdic
Bojana Basaragin
Darija Medvecki
Lorenzo Cassano
Nikola Milosevic
Scientific QA System with Verifiable Answers.
Bojana Basaragin
Adela Ljajic
Darija Medvecki
Lorenzo Cassano
Milos Kosprdic
Nikola Milosevic
How do you know that? Teaching Generative Language Models to Reference Answers to Biomedical Questions.
Milos Kosprdic
Adela Ljajic
Bojana Basaragin
Darija Medvecki
Nikola Milosevic
Verif.ai: Towards an Open-Source Scientific Generative Question-Answering System with Referenced and Verifiable Answers.
Darija Medvecki
Bojana Basaragin
Adela Ljajic
Nikola Milosevic
Multilingual transformer and BERTopic for short text topic modeling: The case of Serbian.