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Dan Gelb
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2001-2015
Publications (10 Years): 0
Top Topics
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Top Venues
Henrique Weber
Cláudio Rosito Jung
Dan Gelb
Hand and object segmentation from RGB-D images for interaction with planar surfaces.
Shahriar Nirjon
Jeremy Gummeson
Dan Gelb
Kyu-Han Kim
TypingRing: A Wearable Ring Platform for Text Input.
Sergio Montazzolli
Cláudio R. Jung
Dan Gelb
Audiovisual voice activity detection using off-the-shelf cameras.
Wei Hong
Dan Gelb
Mitchell D. Trott
Automatic calibration of a projector-camera system with a see-through screen.
Dookun Park
Ramin Samadani
Kar-Han Tan
Dan Gelb
Temporal modulation for computational video cross-talk reduction.
Chen Wu
Ramin Samadani
April Mitchell
Mary Baker
Dan Gelb
Visual framing feedback for desktop video conferencing.
Kar-Han Tan
Dan Gelb
Ramin Samadani
Ian N. Robinson
W. Bruce Culbertson
John G. Apostolopoulos
Gaze awareness and interaction support in presentations.
ACM Multimedia
Prabath Gunawardane
Thomas Malzbender
Ramin Samadani
Alan McReynolds
Dan Gelb
James Davis
Invisible light: Using infrared for video conference relighting.
Kar-Han Tan
Ian N. Robinson
Ramin Samadani
Bowon Lee
Dan Gelb
Alex Vorbau
W. Bruce Culbertson
John G. Apostolopoulos
ConnectBoard: A remote collaboration system that supports gaze-aware interaction and sharing.
Wei Sun
Irwin Sobel
W. Bruce Culbertson
Dan Gelb
Ian N. Robinson
Calibrating multi-projector cylindrically curved displays for "wallpaper" projection.
Michael Harville
W. Bruce Culbertson
Irwin Sobel
Dan Gelb
Andrew Fitzhugh
Donald Tanguay
Practical Methods for Geometric and Photometric Correction of Tiled Projector.
CVPR Workshops
Donald Tanguay
H. Harlyn Baker
Dan Gelb
Achieving high-resolution video using scalable capture, processing and display.
Thomas Malzbender
Bennett Wilburn
Dan Gelb
Bill Ambrisco
Surface Enhancement Using Real-time Photometric Stereo and Reflectance Transformation.
Rendering Techniques
H. Harlyn Baker
Nina T. Bhatti
Donald Tanguay
Irwin Sobel
Dan Gelb
Michael E. Goss
W. Bruce Culbertson
Thomas Malzbender
Understanding performance in coliseum, an immersive videoconferencing system.
ACM Trans. Multim. Comput. Commun. Appl.
1 (2) (2005)
Alberto Bartesaghi
Guillermo Sapiro
Thomas Malzbender
Dan Gelb
Three-dimensional shape rendering from multiple images.
Graph. Model.
67 (4) (2005)
Alberto Bartesaghi
Guillermo Sapiro
Thomas Malzbender
Dan Gelb
Non-photorealistic rendering from multiple images.
H. Harlyn Baker
Nina T. Bhatti
Donald Tanguay
Irwin Sobel
Dan Gelb
Michael E. Goss
John MacCormick
Kei Yuasa
W. Bruce Culbertson
Thomas Malzbender
Computation and performance issues In coliseum: an immersive videoconferencing system.
ACM Multimedia
Thomas Malzbender
Dan Gelb
Hans J. Wolters
Polynomial texture maps.