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Daehun Nyang
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2010-2023
Publications (10 Years): 13
Top Topics
Systematic Evaluation
Malware Detection
Educational Software
Young Children
Top Venues
IEEE Access
IEEE Internet Things J.
Soohyeon Choi
Manar Mohaisen
Daehun Nyang
David Mohaisen
Revisiting the Deep Learning-Based Eavesdropping Attacks via Facial Dynamics from VR Motion Sensors.
Hattan Althebeiti
Ran Gedawy
Ahod Alghuried
Daehun Nyang
David Mohaisen
Defending AirType Against Inference Attacks Using 3D In-Air Keyboard Layouts: Design and Evaluation.
Hisham Alasmary
Afsah Anwar
Ahmed Abusnaina
Abdulrahman Alabduljabbar
Mohammed Abuhamad
An Wang
Daehun Nyang
Amro Awad
David Mohaisen
ShellCore: Automating Malicious IoT Software Detection Using Shell Commands Representation.
IEEE Internet Things J.
9 (4) (2022)
Jumabek Alikhanov
Rhongho Jang
Mohammed Abuhamad
David Mohaisen
Daehun Nyang
Youngtae Noh
Investigating the Effect of Traffic Sampling on Machine Learning-Based Network Intrusion Detection Approaches.
IEEE Access
10 (2022)
Marwan Omar
Soohyeon Choi
Daehun Nyang
David Mohaisen
Robust Natural Language Processing: Recent Advances, Challenges, and Future Directions.
IEEE Access
10 (2022)
Marwan Omar
Soohyeon Choi
Daehun Nyang
David Mohaisen
Quantifying the Performance of Adversarial Training on Language Models with Distribution Shifts.
Sultan Alshamrani
Ahmed Abusnaina
Mohammed Abuhamad
Daehun Nyang
David Mohaisen
Hate, Obscenity, and Insults: Measuring the Exposure of Children to Inappropriate Comments in YouTube.
WWW (Companion Volume)
Mohammed Abuhamad
Tamer AbuHmed
David Mohaisen
Daehun Nyang
Large-scale and Robust Code Authorship Identification with Deep Feature Learning.
ACM Trans. Priv. Secur.
24 (4) (2021)
Ashar Ahmad
Abdulrahman Alabduljabbar
Muhammad Saad
Daehun Nyang
Joongheon Kim
David Mohaisen
Empirically comparing the performance of blockchain's consensus algorithms.
IET Blockchain
1 (1) (2021)
Mohammed Abuhamad
Ahmed Abusnaina
Daehun Nyang
David Mohaisen
Sensor-Based Continuous Authentication of Smartphones' Users Using Behavioral Biometrics: A Contemporary Survey.
IEEE Internet Things J.
8 (1) (2021)
Ahmed Abusnaina
Afsah Anwar
Sultan Alshamrani
Abdulrahman Alabduljabbar
RhongHo Jang
Daehun Nyang
David Mohaisen
ML-based IoT Malware Detection Under Adversarial Settings: A Systematic Evaluation.
Sultan Alshamrani
Ahmed Abusnaina
Mohammed Abuhamad
Daehun Nyang
David Mohaisen
Hate, Obscenity, and Insults: Measuring the Exposure of Children to Inappropriate Comments in YouTube.
Jinchun Choi
Mohammed Abuhamad
Ahmed Abusnaina
Afsah Anwar
Sultan Alshamrani
Jeman Park
Daehun Nyang
David Mohaisen
Understanding the Proxy Ecosystem: A Comparative Analysis of Residential and Open Proxies on the Internet.
IEEE Access
8 (2020)
Kitae Kim
Ikkwon Yie
Seongan Lim
Daehun Nyang
Batch Verification and Finding Invalid Signatures in a Group Signature Scheme.
Int. J. Netw. Secur.
13 (2) (2011)
Kitae Kim
Ikkwon Yie
Daehun Nyang
On the Security of Two Group Signature Schemes with Forward Security.
Informatica (Slovenia)
34 (2) (2010)
Kitae Kim
Daehun Nyang
Security Analysis of a Threshold Proxy Signature Scheme.
IACR Cryptol. ePrint Arch.
2010 (2010)