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Claudinei Brito Junior
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2019-2020
Publications (10 Years): 3
Top Topics
Preliminary Investigation
Learning Algorithm
Top Venues
ICST Workshops
Claudinei Brito Junior
Vinicius H. S. Durelli
Rafael Serapilha Durelli
Simone R. S. Souza
Auri M. R. Vincenzi
Márcio Eduardo Delamaro
A Preliminary Investigation into Using Machine Learning Algorithms to Identify Minimal and Equivalent Mutants.
ICST Workshops
Stevão Andrade
Claudinei Brito Junior
Misael C. Júnior
Ana Claudia Marciel
Gabriel Abdalla
Márcio E. Delamaro
Analyzing the effectiveness of One-Op Mutation against the minimal set of mutants.
Stevão Andrade
Ítalo Santos
Claudinei Brito Junior
Misael C. Júnior
Simone do Rocio Senger de Souza
Márcio E. Delamaro
On applying metamorphic testing: an empirical study on academic search engines.