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Claudia R. Binder
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2011-2023
Publications (10 Years): 6
Top Topics
Development Projects
Emergency Response
Human Factors
Design Processes
Top Venues
J. Artif. Soc. Soc. Simul.
Comput. Electron. Agric.
Matteo Barsanti
Debopama Sen Sarma
Claudia R. Binder
Christian Rehtanz
Impact of Heat Pump Electrification in Distribution Grids through a Socio-technical Approach.
Anna Pagani
Francesco Ballestrazzi
Emanuele Massaro
Claudia R. Binder
ReMoTe-S. Residential Mobility of Tenants in Switzerland: An Agent-Based Model.
J. Artif. Soc. Soc. Simul.
25 (2) (2022)
Fabian Adelt
Matteo Barsanti
Sebastian Hoffmann
Debopama Sen Sarma
Jan Sören Schwarz
Ben Vermeulen
Tom Warendorf
Claudia R. Binder
Bert Droste-Franke
Sebastian Lehnhoff
Johanna M. A. Myrzik
Christian Rehtanz
Johannes Weyer
Co-simulation of Socio-Technical Energy Systems: An Interdisciplinary Design Process.
Anna Pagani
Francesco Ballestrazzi
Claudia R. Binder
Shrinking Housing's Size: Using Agent-Based Modelling to Explore Measures for a Reduction of Floor Area Per Capita.
Matteo Barsanti
Jan Sören Schwarz
Lionel Guy Gérard Constantin
Pranay Kasturi
Claudia R. Binder
Sebastian Lehnhoff
Socio-technical modeling of smart energy systems: a co-simulation design for domestic energy demand.
Energy Inform.
4 (S3) (2021)
Anton Eitzinger
James Cock
Karl Atzmanstorfer
Claudia R. Binder
Peter Läderach
Osana Bonilla-Findji
Mona Bartling
Caroline Mwongera
Leo Zurita
Andy Jarvis
GeoFarmer: A monitoring and feedback system for agricultural development projects.
Comput. Electron. Agric.
158 (2019)
Christof Knoeri
Igor Nikolic
Hans-Joerg Althaus
Claudia R. Binder
Enhancing Recycling of Construction Materials: An Agent Based Model with Empirically Based Decision Parameters.
J. Artif. Soc. Soc. Simul.
17 (3) (2014)
Christof Knoeri
Claudia R. Binder
Hans-Joerg Althaus
An Agent Operationalization Approach for Context Specific Agent-Based Modeling.
J. Artif. Soc. Soc. Simul.
14 (2) (2011)