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Cindy Ong
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2006-2023
Publications (10 Years): 17
Top Topics
Remote Sensing
Plant Species
Spectral Data
Top Venues
Remote. Sens.
Int. J. Appl. Earth Obs. Geoinformation
Yiqing Guo
Karel Mokany
Cindy Ong
Peyman Moghadam
Simon Ferrier
Shaun R. Levick
Plant species richness prediction from DESIS hyperspectral data: A comparison study on feature extraction procedures and regression models.
Fuqin Li
David L. B. Jupp
Brian L. Markham
Ian C. Lau
Cindy Ong
Guy Byrne
Medhavy Thankappan
Simon Oliver
Timothy J. Malthus
Peter Fearns
Choice of Solar Spectral Irradiance Model for Current and Future Remote Sensing Satellite Missions.
Remote. Sens.
15 (13) (2023)
Yiqing Guo
Karel Mokany
Cindy Ong
Peyman Moghadam
Simon Ferrier
Shaun R. Levick
Quantitative Assessment of DESIS Hyperspectral Data for Plant Biodiversity Estimation in Australia.
Yiqing Guo
Karel Mokany
Cindy Ong
Peyman Moghadam
Simon Ferrier
Shaun R. Levick
Quantitative Assessment of DESIS Hyperspectral Data for Plant Biodiversity Estimation in Australia.
Cindy Ong
The Potential Calibration and Validation Requirements for Imaging Spectroscopy for Iron Oxide Dust Monitoring.
Cindy Ong
Ian C. Lau
Tim J. Malthus
Peter Fearns
Australia, A Hub for Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy Calibration and Validation.
Andreas Hueni
Laurie A. Chisholm
Cindy Ong
Tim J. Malthus
Mathew Wyatt
Simon A. Trim
Michael E. Schaepman
Medhavy Thankappan
The SPECCHIO Spectral Information System.
IEEE J. Sel. Top. Appl. Earth Obs. Remote. Sens.
13 (2020)
Medhavy Thankappan
Guy Byrne
Andrew Walsh
Fuqin Li
Tim J. Malthus
Cindy Ong
Ian C. Lau
Continental Scale Validation of Analysis Ready Data in Australia: Experience With Satellite Derived Surface Reflectance.
Cindy Ong
Kurtis Thome
Akihiko Kuze
Role of CEOS Working Group on Calibration and Validation in Analysis Ready Data Products.
Matthew Myers
Mederic Mainson
Bruce Maney
Stuart Day
Cindy Ong
Using IR-based sensors to monitor fugitive greenhouse gas emissions in the Australian context.
Cindy Ong
Timothy J. Malthus
Ian C. Lau
Medhavy Thankappan
Guy Byrne
THE Development of a Standardised Validation Approach for Surface Reflectance Data.
Florian de Boissieu
Brice Sevin
Thomas Cudahy
Morgan Mangeas
Stéphane Chevrel
Cindy Ong
Andrew Rodger
Pierre Maurizot
Carsten Laukamp
Ian C. Lau
Dominique Cluzel
Marc Despinoy
Regolith-geology mapping with support vector machine: A case study over weathered Ni-bearing peridotites, New Caledonia.
Int. J. Appl. Earth Obs. Geoinformation
64 (2018)
Cindy Ong
Michael Caccetta
Ian C. Lau
Lawrence Ong
Elizabeth M. Middleton
Compositional characterisation of the pinnacles vicarious calibration site.
Hang Yang
Lifu Zhang
Cindy Ong
Andrew Rodger
Jia Liu
Xuejian Sun
Hongming Zhang
Xun Jian
Qingxi Tong
Improved Aerosol Optical Thickness, Columnar Water Vapor, and Surface Reflectance Retrieval from Combined CASI and SASI Airborne Hyperspectral Sensors.
Remote. Sens.
9 (3) (2017)
Stéphane Chevrel
Michael Abrams
Cindy Ong
The geo community activity "earth observations for managing mineral and non-renewable energy resources": History, present and future activities.
Cindy Ong
Andreas Müller
Kurtis J. Thome
Martin Bachmann
Jeffrey Czapla-Myers
Stefanie Holzwarth
Siri Jodha Khalsa
Christopher J. MacLellan
Timothy J. Malthus
Joanne M. Nightingale
Leland E. Pierce
Hirokazu Yamamoto
Report on International Spaceborne Imaging Spectroscopy Technical Committee calibration and validation workshop, national environment research council field spectroscopy facility, University of Edinburgh.
Michael Caccetta
Thomas Cudahy
Cindy Ong
Ian C. Lau
An investigation into the use of the thermal wavelengths of the aster satellite borne sensor for dry vegetation identification.
Natalie Zabcic
Benoit Rivard
Cindy Ong
Andreas Müller
Using airborne hyperspectral data to characterize the surface pH and mineralogy of pyrite mine tailings.
Int. J. Appl. Earth Obs. Geoinformation
32 (2014)
Barbara A. Rasaiah
Tim J. Malthus
Chris Bellman
Laurie A. Chisholm
John A. Gamon
Andreas Hueni
Alfredo Huete
Simon D. Jones
Cindy Ong
Stuart R. Phinn
Chris M. Roelfsema
Lola Suárez
Philip A. Townsend
Rebecca Trevithick
Matthew Wyatt
Approaches to establishing a metadata standard for field spectroscopy datasets.
Chiaki Kobayashi
Ian C. Lau
Buddy Wheaton
Dan Cater
Lindsay Bourke
Norichika Asada
Osamu Kashimura
Cindy Ong
Thomas Cudahy
Estimating soil salinity using hyperspectral data in the Western Australian wheat belt.
Carsten Laukamp
Mike Caccetta
Simon Collings
Thomas Cudahy
Matilda Thomas
Cindy Ong
Maarten Haest
Continent-scale mineral information from ASTER multispectral satellite data.
Andreas Eisele
Ian C. Lau
Robert Hewson
Dan Carter
Buddy Wheaton
Cindy Ong
Thomas J. Cudahy
Sabine Chabrillat
Hermann Kaufmann
Applicability of the Thermal Infrared Spectral Region for the Prediction of Soil Properties Across Semi-Arid Agricultural Landscapes.
Remote. Sens.
4 (11) (2012)
Andreas Hueni
Laurie A. Chisholm
Lola Suárez
Cindy Ong
Matthew Wyatt
Spectral Information System Development for Australia.
Robert Hewson
Thomas Cudahy
Michael Caccetta
Andrew Rodger
Mal Jones
Cindy Ong
Advances in Hyperspectral Processing for Province- and Continental- wide Mineral Mapping.
Natalie Zabcic
Benoit Rivard
Cindy Ong
Andreas Müller
Using airborne hyperspectral data to characterize the surface pH of pyrite mine tailings.
Gregg Alan Swayze
Roger N. Clark
Chris T. Higgins
Raymond F. Kokaly
Keith Eric Livo
Todd M. Hoefen
Cindy Ong
Fred A. Kruse
Evaluating Minerals of Environmental Concern Using Spectroscopy.
Roger N. Clark
Joseph W. Boardman
Jack Mustard
Fred A. Kruse
Cindy Ong
Carle M. Pieters
Gregg Alan Swayze
Mineral Mapping and Applications of Imaging Spectroscopy.