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Christoph Schimeczek
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2012-2023
Publications (10 Years): 4
Top Topics
Magnetic Field
General Purpose
Top Venues
J. Open Source Softw.
Comput. Phys. Commun.
Christoph Schimeczek
Marc Deissenroth-Uhrig
Ulrich J. Frey
Benjamin Fuchs
Aboubakr Achraf El Ghazi
Manuel Wetzel
Kristina Nienhaus
FAME-Core: An open Framework for distributed Agent-based Modelling of Energy systems.
J. Open Source Softw.
8 (83) (2023)
Christoph Schimeczek
Kristina Nienhaus
Ulrich Frey
Evelyn Sperber
Seyedfarzad Sarfarazi
Felix Nitsch
Johannes Kochems
Aboubakr Achraf El Ghazi
AMIRIS: Agent-based Market model for the Investigation of Renewable and Integrated energy Systems.
J. Open Source Softw.
8 (83) (2023)
Ulrich J. Frey
Christoph Schimeczek
Marc Deissenroth-Uhrig
Benjamin Fuchs
Kristina Nienhaus
Rapid development and execution of complex agent-based energy system simulations: the FAME framework.
Felix Nitsch
Christoph Schimeczek
Ulrich Frey
Benjamin Fuchs
FAME-Io: Configuration tools for complex agent-based simulations.
J. Open Source Softw.
8 (83) (2023)
Christoph Schimeczek
Günter Wunner
Multi-electron systems in strong magnetic fields I: The 2D Landau-Hartree-Fock-Roothaan method.
Comput. Phys. Commun.
185 (10) (2014)
Christoph Schimeczek
Dirk Engel
Günter Wunner
A highly optimized code for calculating atomic data at neutron star magnetic field strengths using a doubly self-consistent Hartree-Fock-Roothaan method.
Comput. Phys. Commun.
185 (5) (2014)
Christoph Schimeczek
Dirk Engel
Günter Wunner
A highly optimized code for calculating atomic data at neutron star magnetic field strengths using a doubly self-consistent Hartree-Fock-Roothaan method.
Comput. Phys. Commun.
183 (7) (2012)