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Chipo Kanjo
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2010-2024
Publications (10 Years): 14
Top Topics
Information Systems
Socio Economic
Soft Systems
South African
Top Venues
Electron. J. Inf. Syst. Dev. Ctries.
Martin Bright Msendema
Wallace Chigona
Benjamin Kumwenda
Jens Kaasbøll
Chipo Kanjo
Legitimization of data quality management practices in health management information systems: A soft systems methodology perspective.
Electron. J. Inf. Syst. Dev. Ctries.
90 (1) (2024)
Myron Anthony Godinho
Siaw-Teng Liaw
Chipo Kanjo
Heimar F. Marin
Henrique M. G. Martins
Yuri Quintana
Digital vaccine passports and digital health diplomacy: an online model WHO simulation.
J. Am. Medical Informatics Assoc.
30 (4) (2023)
Deborah Amos Phiri
Chipo Kanjo
Policy-Practice Contradiction: Case of Cloud Computing Adoption in the Malawi Health Sector.
Martin Bright Msendma
Wallace Chigona
Benjamin Kumwenda
Jens Kaasbøll
Chipo Kanjo
Legitimization of Data Quality Practices in Health Management Information Systems Using DHIS2. Case of Malawi.
Thea Hvalen Thodesen
Uy Tran
Jens Kaasbøll
Chipo Kanjo
Tiwonge Davis Manda
Medical Graphs in Patient Information Systems in Primary Care.
Jens Kaasbøll
Chipo Kanjo
Honest C. Kimaro
Building Sustainable Collaborations and Academic Networks in Low Income Countries: Case of Master Programmes.
ICT4D (2)
Esther Namatovu
Chipo Kanjo
Visibility in community health work mediated by mobile health systems: A case of Malawi.
Electron. J. Inf. Syst. Dev. Ctries.
85 (2) (2019)
Amrit Chhetri
Mari Iversen
Jens Kaasbøll
Chipo Kanjo
Evaluating mHealth Apps Using Affordances: Case of CommCare Versus DHIS2 Tracker.
ICT4D (1)
Miriam Cunningham
Paul M. Cunningham
Darelle van Greunen
Chipo Kanjo
Emmanuel Kweyu
Binyam Tilahun
mHealth4Afrika Beta v1 Validation in Rural and Deep Rural Clinics in Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi and South Africa.
Helene Isaksen
Mari Iversen
Jens Kaasbøll
Chipo Kanjo
Design of Tooltips for Data Fields - A Field Experiment of Logging Use of Tooltips and Data Correctness.
HCI (20)
Esther Namatovu
Chipo Kanjo
Bringing Visibility to Community Health Work with mHealth Systems: A Case of Malawi.
Miriam Cunningham
Paul M. Cunningham
Darelle van Greunen
Alida Veldsman
Chipo Kanjo
Emmanuel Kweyu
Binyam Tilahun
mHealth4Afrika alpha validation in rural and deep rural clinics in Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi and South Africa.
Helene Isaksen
Mari Iversen
Jens Kaasbøll
Chipo Kanjo
Methods for Evaluation of Tooltips.
HCI (1)
Paul M. Cunningham
Miriam Cunningham
Darelle van Greunen
Alida Veldsman
Chipo Kanjo
Emmanuel Kweyu
Abebaw Gebeyehu
Implications of baseline study findings from rural and deep rural clinics in Ethiopia, Kenya, Malawi and South Africa for the co-design of mHealth4Afrika.
Chipo Kanjo
Strengthening the Link between Traditional and Modern Practices for Improving Data Quality in Health Information Systems: The Case of Malawi.
Electron. J. Inf. Syst. Dev. Ctries.
53 (1) (2012)
Chipo Kanjo
Pragmatism or Policy: Implications on Health Information Systems Success.
Electron. J. Inf. Syst. Dev. Ctries.
48 (1) (2011)
Chipo Kanjo
Edem Kwame Kossi
Christon Moyo
Jørn Braa
Data warehouse Approach to HMIS Integration.