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Chaoqun Dong
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2009-2023
Publications (10 Years): 13
Top Topics
Image Deconvolution
Cognitive Impairment
Blurred Images
Maximum Likelihood
Top Venues
Chenyu Tang
Muzi Xu
Wentian Yi
Zibo Zhang
Edoardo Occhipinti
Chaoqun Dong
Dafydd Ravenscroft
Sung-Min Jung
Sanghyo Lee
Shuo Gao
Jong Min Kim
Luigi G. Occhipinti
Ultrasensitive Textile Strain Sensors Redefine Wearable Silent Speech Interfaces with High Machine Learning Efficiency.
Chaoqun Dong
Shihua Cao
Xiaohong Zhu
Bin Wang
Wenhao Qi
Danni He
Yanfei Chen
Yankai Shi
Jiani Yao
Bingsheng Wang
Xiajing Lou
Virtual Reality Technology in Cognitive Impairment Application: Bibliometric Analysis.
Xiaohong Zhu
Shihua Cao
Bin Wang
Chaoqun Dong
Wenhao Qi
Bingsheng Wang
Xiajing Lou
Jiani Yao
Yankai Shi
Yanfei Chen
Danni He
How mHealth plays the role in Caregivers? A Bibliometric Visualization Analysis.
Yankai Shi
Shihua Cao
Bing Wang
Chaoqun Dong
Danni He
Yanfei Chen
Xiajing Lou
Jiani Yao
Bingsheng Wang
Chenxi Yu
Global research status and hotspots in telecare applications during 2003-2022: A bibliometric and visualized analysis.
Wenhao Qi
Shihua Cao
Bingsheng Wang
Chaoqun Dong
Xiaohong Zhu
Bin Wang
Danni He
Yanfei Chen
Global hotspots and trends of robotics in urological surgery: a scientometric analysis.
Bin Wang
Shihua Cao
Xiaohong Zhu
Chaoqun Dong
Wenhao Qi
Danni He
Yanfei Chen
Yankai Shi
Jiani Yao
Bingsheng Wang
Xiajing Lou
The application of artificial intelligence to Alzheimer45s disease: A new research hotspots and associated challenges.
Wenhao Qi
Shihua Cao
Bingsheng Wang
Xiaohong Zhu
Danni He
Bin Wang
Chaoqun Dong
Yankai Shi
Yanfei Chen
Jiani Yao
Xiajing Lou
Research hotspots and trends of monitoring technologies in dementia: A Scientometric analysis.
Chaoqun Dong
Filip Sroubek
Javier Portilla
Spectral Pre-Adaptation for Restoring Real-World Blurred Images using Standard Deconvolution Methods.
Image Process. Line
12 (2022)
Chaoqun Dong
Kexin Bi
On Innovation Performance of Low-Carbon Technology Breakthrough Innovation Network in Manufacturing Industry Under the Global Value Chain: A Case Study Based on Chinese Manufacturing Industries.
IEEE Access
8 (2020)
Roman Martel
Chaoqun Dong
Kan Chen
Henry Johan
Marius Erdt
Generation of 3D Building Models from City Area Maps.
Chaoqun Dong
Sergio Barbero
Javier Portilla
Nonconvex Bayesian Restoration of Blurred Foreground Images.
Chaoqun Dong
Javier Portilla
Spectral pre-adaptation for two-step arbitrary-shape-support image restoration.
Chaoqun Dong
Javier Portilla
Maximum likelihood interpolation for aliasing-aware image restoration.
Pai Zhu
Chaoqun Dong
Ruimin Hu
Jiankun Chen
Sumit Chakravarty
Donglin Wang
A Markovian approach to design criterion of cooperation in Cognitive Radio network.
Hua Cheng
Zuoning Chen
Ninghui Sun
Fenbin Qi
Chaoqun Dong
Laiwang Cheng
A Virtualized Self-Adaptive Parallel Programming Framework for Heterogeneous High Productivity Computers.