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Changwoo Seo
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2002-2013
Publications (10 Years): 0
Top Topics
D Objects
Contour Tracking
Estimation Algorithm
Image Restoration
Top Venues
Wirel. Pers. Commun.
Changwoo Seo
Sherlie Portugal
Saransh Malik
Cheolwoo You
Taejin Jung
Huaping Liu
Intae Hwang
Throughput Performance Analysis of AMC Based on a New SNR Estimation Algorithm Using Preamble.
Wirel. Pers. Commun.
68 (4) (2013)
Cheolwoo You
Gilsang Yoon
Changwoo Seo
Sherlie Portugal
Gihwan Park
Taejin Jung
Huaping Liu
Intae Hwang
Intercell Interference Coordination Using Threshold-Based Region Decisions.
Wirel. Pers. Commun.
59 (4) (2011)
Sherlie Portugal
Saransh Malik
Changwoo Seo
Cheolsung Kim
Intae Hwang
Reduction of sphere decoding complexity using an adaptive SD-OSIC system.
Changwoo Seo
Insik Cho
Sherlie Portugal
Jaeho Park
Gihwan Park
Taejin Jung
Intae Hwang
Huaping Liu
Cheolwoo You
Performance Analysis of a New Preamble-Based SNR Estimation Algorithm.
IEICE Trans. Commun.
(5) (2011)
Saransh Malik
Sherlie Portugal
Changwoo Seo
Cheolsung Kim
Intae Hwang
Proposal and performance analysis of a novel preamble-based SNR estimation algorithm.
Sherlie Portugal
Jaeho Park
Changwoo Seo
Insik Cho
Gilsang Yoon
Jeonghwan Lee
Intae Hwang
Improvement of the sphere decoding complexity through an adaptive OSIC-SD system.
Minkyung Kim
Eunyoung Kim
Changwoo Seo
Sungchae Jeon
Speaker Verification and Identification Using Principal Component Analysis Based on Global Eigenvector Matrix.
HAIS (1)
Eunyoung Kim
Minkyung Kim
Younghwan Lim
Changwoo Seo
A GMM-Based Robust Incremental Adaptation with a Forgetting Factor for Speaker Verification.
ICIC (2)
Changwoo Seo
Keunho Sim
Eunyoung Kim
Heeae Ko
Younghwan Lim
Speaker Verification System Using Extended Sequential Probability Ratio Test in PDA.
Gilsang Yoon
Jeonghwan Lee
Insik Cho
Changwoo Seo
Changhyeon Chae
Nara Yang
Taejin Jung
Cheol Hong Kim
Intae Hwang
Cheolwoo You
Daeki Hong
Throughput Improvement of Iterative Decoding Algorithm in the V-BLAST-AMC System with a STD Scheme.
Gilsang Yoon
Jeonghwan Lee
Insik Cho
Changwoo Seo
Sangjin Ryoo
Cheolwoo You
Intae Hwang
Performance Analysis of Iterative Detection Scheme for the D-STTD System.
J. Inform. and Commun. Convergence Engineering
7 (2) (2009)
Jeonghwan Lee
Gilsang Yoon
Insik Cho
Changwoo Seo
Changhyeon Chae
Nara Yang
Taejin Jung
Cheol Hong Kim
Intae Hwang
Cheolwoo You
Daeki Hong
Performance Analysis of the Combined AMC-MIMO Systems with Independent MCS Level Selection.
Wooram Shin
Hoojin Lee
Changwoo Seo
Joonhyuk Kang
Iterative Biased MMSE Detections for DSTTD-OFDM Systems over Time-Varying Multipath Channels.
VTC Spring
Changkee Min
Jongsub Cha
Changwoo Seo
Joonhyuk Kang
Efficient Sequential Mutiuser Detection for Uplink OFDM/SDMA Systems.
VTC Spring
Younjeong Lee
Changwoo Seo
Joohun Lee
Ki Yong Lee
Speaker Verification System for PDA in Mobile-Commerce.
Human.Society@Internet 2003
Joohim Lee
Changwoo Seo
Ki Yong Lee
A new nonlinear prediction model based on the Recurrent Neural Predictive Hidden Markov Model for speech enhancement.