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Chang-Gyu Lim
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2017-2022
Publications (10 Years): 6
Top Topics
Distributed Data
Range Query Processing
Transport Network
Load Balancing Strategies
Top Venues
IEEE Commun. Mag.
Bumho Kim
Chang-Gyu Lim
Seong-Ho Lee
Yung-Joon Jung
A Framework of Large-Scale Virtual City Simulation with Land-Use Model.
Bumho Kim
Chang-Gyu Lim
Seong-Ho Lee
Yung-Joon Jung
A Study on the Population Distribution Prediction in Large City using Agent-Based Simulation.
Bumho Kim
Chang-Gyu Lim
Seong-Ho Lee
Yung-Joon Jung
A Study on the Population Distribution Prediction in Large City using Agent-Based Simulation.
Chang-Gyu Lim
Moonsub Song
Design and implementation of optical transport network models with path computation.
Dongeun Suh
Seokwon Jang
Sol Han
Sangheon Pack
Myung-Sup Kim
Taehong Kim
Chang-Gyu Lim
Toward Highly Available and Scalable Software Defined Networks for Service Providers.
IEEE Commun. Mag.
55 (4) (2017)
Taehong Kim
Seong-Gon Choi
Jungho Myung
Chang-Gyu Lim
Load balancing on distributed datastore in opendaylight SDN controller cluster.