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Bill Gaver
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 1994-2019
Publications (10 Years): 4
Top Topics
Design Process
Portfolio Optimization
Manually Annotated
Software Suite
Top Venues
HCI (27)
Robert Phillips
Amina Abbas-Nazari
James Tooze
Bill Gaver
Andy Boucher
Liliana Ovalle
Andy Sheen
Dean Brown
Naho Matsuda
Mike Vanis
Design and Deploying Tools to 'Actively Engaging Nature' - The My Naturewatch Project as an Agent for Engagement.
HCI (27)
Andy Boucher
Dean Brown
Bill Gaver
Naho Matsuda
Liliana Ovalle
Andy Sheen
Michail Vanis
ProbeTools: unconventional cameras and audio devices for user research.
26 (2) (2019)
William Odom
Tom Jenkins
Kristina Andersen
Bill Gaver
James Pierce
Anna Vallgårda
Andy Boucher
David J. Chatting
Janne van Kollenburg
Kevin Lefeuvre
Crafting a place for attending to the things of design at CHI.
25 (1) (2018)
Bill Gaver
Kia Höök
In search of the elusive CHI design paper.
24 (2) (2017)
Bill Gaver
John Bowers
Annotated portfolios.
19 (4) (2012)
Bill Gaver
18 (1) (2010)
Mark Blythe
Peter C. Wright
John Bowers
Andy Boucher
Nadine Jarvis
Phil Reynolds
Bill Gaver
Age and experience: ludic engagement in a residential care setting.
Conference on Designing Interactive Systems
Phoebe Sengers
Bill Gaver
Staying open to interpretation: engaging multiple meanings in design and evaluation.
Conference on Designing Interactive Systems
Alistair G. Sutcliffe
John Karat
Susanne Bødker
Bill Gaver
Can we measure quality in design and do we need to?
Conference on Designing Interactive Systems
Steve Benford
Holger Schnädelbach
Boriana Koleva
Rob Anastasi
Chris Greenhalgh
Tom Rodden
Jonathan Green
Ahmed Ghali
Tony P. Pridmore
Bill Gaver
Andy Boucher
Brendan Walker
Sarah Pennington
Albrecht Schmidt
Hans Gellersen
Anthony Steed
Expected, sensed, and desired: A framework for designing sensing-based interaction.
ACM Trans. Comput. Hum. Interact.
12 (1) (2005)
Steve Benford
Nigel Davies
Bill Gaver
Guest Editors' Introduction.
IEEE Pervasive Comput.
3 (1) (2004)
Genevieve Bell
Mark Blythe
Bill Gaver
Phoebe Sengers
Peter C. Wright
Designing culturally situated technologies for the home.
CHI Extended Abstracts
Allison Druin
Michael J. Muller
Tone Bratteteig
Bill Gaver
Bonnie E. John
Mary Beth Rettger
What Kind of Work is HCI Work?
CHI Extended Abstracts
Kay Hofmeester
Anthony Dunne
Bill Gaver
Marco Susani
Elena Pacenti
A modern role for the village elders.
CHI Extended Abstracts
Stephanie Everett
Bill Gaver
Using speech and audio in the interface (abstract).
CHI 95 Conference Companion
Victoria Bellotti
Robert S. Fish
Robert E. Kraut
Paul Dourish
Bill Gaver
Annette Adler
Sara A. Bly
Marilyn M. Mantei
Gale Moore
Debating the media space design space.
CHI Conference Companion