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Bhawna Goyal
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2016-2024
Publications (10 Years): 23
Top Topics
Quantitative And Qualitative
Wavelet Transform
Image Fusion
Top Venues
Inf. Fusion
Future Gener. Comput. Syst.
J. Comput. Sci.
Pattern Recognit. Lett.
Bhawna Goyal
Ayush Dogra
Sunil Agrawal
Balwinder Singh Sohi
A three stage integrated denoising approach for grey scale images.
J. Ambient Intell. Humaniz. Comput.
15 (1) (2024)
Bhawna Goyal
Ayush Dogra
Dawa Chyophel Lepcha
Vishal Goyal
Ahmed Alkhayyat
Jasgurpreet Singh Chohan
Vinay Kukreja
Recent advances in image dehazing: Formal analysis to automated approaches.
Inf. Fusion
104 (2024)
Dawa Chyophel Lepcha
Bhawna Goyal
Ayush Dogra
Kanta Prasad Sharma
Deena Nath Gupta
A deep journey into image enhancement: A survey of current and emerging trends.
Inf. Fusion
93 (2023)
Deepak Kumar
Yash Kumar
Vinay Kukreja
Shanmugasundram Hariharan
Bhawna Goyal
Aditya Verma
Preserving Heritage Palaces: A Deep Learning CNN-SVM Hybrid Approach for Multi-classification.
Dawa Chyophel Lepcha
Bhawna Goyal
Ayush Dogra
Vishal Goyal
Image super-resolution: A comprehensive review, recent trends, challenges and applications.
Inf. Fusion
91 (2023)
Dawa Chyophel Lepcha
Bhawna Goyal
Ayush Dogra
Image Matting: A Comprehensive Survey on Techniques, Comparative Analysis, Applications and Future Scope.
Int. J. Image Graph.
23 (1) (2023)
Bhawna Goyal
Ayush Dogra
Dawa Chyophel Lepcha
Deepika Koundal
Adi Alhudhaif
Fayadh Alenezi
Sara A. Althubiti
Multi-modality image fusion for medical assistive technology management based on hybrid domain filtering.
Expert Syst. Appl.
209 (2022)
Dawa Chyophel Lepcha
Bhawna Goyal
Ayush Dogra
Shui-Hua Wang
An efficient medical image super resolution based on piecewise linear regression strategy using domain transform filtering.
Concurr. Comput. Pract. Exp.
34 (20) (2022)
Haiyan Fan
Bhawna Goyal
Kayhan Zrar Ghafoor
Computer-aided architectural design optimization based on BIM Technology.
Informatica (Slovenia)
46 (3) (2022)
Bhawna Goyal
Ayush Dogra
Arun Kumar Sangaiah
An effective nonlocal means image denoising framework based on non-subsampled shearlet transform.
Soft Comput.
26 (16) (2022)
Bhawna Goyal
Ayush Dogra
Rahul Khoond
Fadi Al-Turjman
An Efficient Medical Assistive Diagnostic Algorithm for Visualisation of Structural and Tissue Details in CT and MRI Fusion.
Cogn. Comput.
13 (6) (2021)
Satwinder Kaur
Bhawna Goyal
Ayush Dogra
Denoising Hyperspectral Imageries with Split-Bregman Iteration Scheme.
Ayush Dogra
Bhawna Goyal
Sunil Agrawal
Urcun John Tanik
Sanjeev Kumar
Ramesh Sunder Nayak
Enhanced vascular and osseous information fusion: disagreement of quantitative and qualitative analysis.
Neural Comput. Appl.
32 (20) (2020)
Bhawna Goyal
Ayush Dogra
Sunil Agrawal
Balwinder Singh Sohi
Apoorav Sharma
Image denoising review: From classical to state-of-the-art approaches.
Inf. Fusion
55 (2020)
Apoorav Sharma
Ayush Dogra
Bhawna Goyal
Renu Vig
Sunil Agrawal
From pyramids to state-of-the-art: a study and comprehensive comparison of visible-infrared image fusion techniques.
IET Image Process.
14 (9) (2020)
Ayush Dogra
Seifedine Nimer Kadry
Bhawna Goyal
Sunil Agrawal
An efficient image integration algorithm for night mode vision applications.
Multim. Tools Appl.
79 (15-16) (2020)
Bhawna Goyal
Ayush Dogra
Sunil Agrawal
Balwinder Singh Sohi
Two-dimensional gray scale image denoising via morphological operations in NSST domain & bitonic filtering.
Future Gener. Comput. Syst.
82 (2018)
Ayush Dogra
Bhawna Goyal
Sunil Agrawal
Osseous and digital subtraction angiography image fusion via various enhancement schemes and Laplacian pyramid transformations.
Future Gener. Comput. Syst.
82 (2018)
Ayush Dogra
Bhawna Goyal
Sunil Agrawal
Chirag Kamal Ahuja
Efficient fusion of osseous and vascular details in wavelet domain.
Pattern Recognit. Lett.
94 (2017)
Bhawna Goyal
Ayush Dogra
Sunil Agrawal
Balwinder Singh Sohi
Dual Way Residue Noise Thresholding along with feature preservation.
Pattern Recognit. Lett.
94 (2017)
Ayush Dogra
Bhawna Goyal
Sunil Agrawal
Bone vessel image fusion via generalized reisz wavelet transform using averaging fusion rule.
J. Comput. Sci.
21 (2017)
Ayush Dogra
Bhawna Goyal
Sunil Agrawal
From Multi-Scale Decomposition to Non-Multi-Scale Decomposition Methods: A Comprehensive Survey of Image Fusion Techniques and Its Applications.
IEEE Access
5 (2017)
Ayush Dogra
Sunil Agrawal
Bhawna Goyal
Niranjan Khandelwal
Chirag Kamal Ahuja
Color and grey scale fusion of osseous and vascular information.
J. Comput. Sci.
17 (2016)