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Benjamin Spurny
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2020-2022
Publications (10 Years): 4
Top Topics
Functional Brain
Associative Learning
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Top Venues
Manfred Klöbl
René Seiger
Thomas Vanicek
Patricia Handschuh
Murray Bruce Reed
Benjamin Spurny
Vera Ritter
Godber Mathis Godbersen
Gregor Gryglewski
Christoph Kraus
Andreas Hahn
Rupert Lanzenberger
Escitalopram modulates learning content-specific neuroplasticity of functional brain networks.
247 (2022)
Benjamin Spurny
Thomas Vanicek
René Seiger
Murray Bruce Reed
Manfred Klöbl
Vera Ritter
Jakob Unterholzner
Godber Mathis Godbersen
Leo Silberbauer
D. Pacher
Sebastian Klug
Melisande E. Konadu
Gregor Gryglewski
Siegfried Trattnig
Wolfgang Bogner
Rupert Lanzenberger
Effects of SSRI treatment on GABA and glutamate levels in an associative relearning paradigm.
232 (2021)
Murray Bruce Reed
Thomas Vanicek
René Seiger
Manfred Klöbl
Benjamin Spurny
Patricia Handschuh
Vera Ritter
Jakob Unterholzner
Godber Mathis Godbersen
Gregor Gryglewski
Christoph Kraus
Dietmar Winkler
Andreas Hahn
Rupert Lanzenberger
Neuroplastic effects of a selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor in relearning and retrieval.
236 (2021)
Benjamin Spurny
René Seiger
Philipp Moser
Thomas Vanicek
Murray Bruce Reed
Eva Heckova
Paul Michenthaler
Alim Basaran
Gregor Gryglewski
Manfred Klöbl
Siegfried Trattnig
Siegfried Kasper
Wolfgang Bogner
Rupert Lanzenberger
Hippocampal GABA levels correlate with retrieval performance in an associative learning paradigm.
204 (2020)