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Benjamin J. Bailey
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2018-2019
Publications (10 Years): 3
Top Topics
Virtual Reality
Multi Granularity
Computer Interface
Top Venues
SIGGRAPH Asia Posters
Andrew R. Lilja
Shereen Kadir
Rowan T. Hughes
Nicholas J. Gunn
Campbell W. Strong
Benjamin J. Bailey
Robert G. Parton
John B. McGhee
Nanoscapes: Authentic Scales and Densities in Real-Time 3D Cinematic Visualizations of Cellular Landscapes.
SIGGRAPH Asia Posters
Benjamin J. Bailey
Andrew R. Lilja
Campbell W. Strong
Katherine Moline
Maria Kavallaris
Rowan T. Hughes
John B. McGhee
Multi-User Immersive Virtual Reality Prototype for Collaborative Visualization of Microscopy Image Data.
Andrew R. Lilja
Campbell W. Strong
Benjamin J. Bailey
Kristofer J. Thurecht
Zachary H. Houston
Nicholas L. Fletcher
John B. McGhee
Design-led 3D visualization of nanomedicines in virtual reality.