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Balaji R. Koka
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2002-2020
Publications (10 Years): 1
Top Topics
Software Industry
Service Providers
Evidential Reasoning
Software Development
Top Venues
Inf. Syst. Res.
Anandasivam Gopal
Sabari Rajan Karmegam
Balaji R. Koka
William Rand
Is the Grass Greener? On the Strategic Implications of Moving Along the Value Chain for IT Service Providers.
Inf. Syst. Res.
31 (1) (2020)
Anandasivam Gopal
Balaji R. Koka
The Asymmetric Benefits of Relational Flexibility: Evidence from Software Development Outsourcing.
36 (2) (2012)
Anandasivam Gopal
Balaji R. Koka
The Role of Contracts on Quality and Returns to Quality in Offshore Software Development Outsourcing.
Decis. Sci.
41 (3) (2010)
Anandasivam Gopal
Balaji R. Koka
When Do Vendors Benefit from Relational Governance? Contracts, Relational Governance and Vendor Profitability in Software Development Outsourcing.
Thomas Y. Choi
Zhaohui Wu
Lisa M. Ellram
Balaji R. Koka
Supplier-supplier relationships and their implications for buyer-supplier relationships.
IEEE Trans. Engineering Management
49 (2) (2002)