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Ba-Lam Do
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2013-2022
Publications (10 Years): 17
Top Topics
Statistical Data
Linked Data
Lifelong Learning
Top Venues
Thanh-Chung Dao
Duc Pham
Tien-Thao Nguyen
Ba-Lam Do
Binh Minh Nguyen
V-Endpoint: Decentralized Endpoint for Blockchain Applications Based on Spark and Byzantine Consensus.
Ba-Lam Do
Van-Thanh Nguyen
Hoang-Nam Dinh
Thanh-Chung Dao
Binhminh Nguyen
Blockchain for Education: Verification and Management of Lifelong Learning Data.
Comput. Syst. Sci. Eng.
43 (2) (2022)
Ba-Lam Do
Hoang-Nam Dinh
Van-Thanh Nguyen
Manh-Hung Tran
Thanh-Long Le
Viet-Thang Nghiem
B4E: A System for Creating and Validating Digital Credentials using Remote Signing and Blockchain.
Quang-Thang Nguyen
Bao Son Do
Thi Tam Nguyen
Ba-Lam Do
GasSaver: A Tool for Solidity Smart Contract Optimization.
Binh Minh Nguyen
Thang Nguyen
Thieu Nguyen
Ba-Lam Do
MPoC - A Metaheuristic Proof of Criteria Consensus Protocol for Blockchain Network.
Canh-Tuan Tran
Van-Duy Pham
Thang Nguyen
Huu-Hai-Quan Dinh
Minh-Tri Hoang
Thanh-Chung Dao
Binh Minh Nguyen
Ba-Lam Do
A Novel Approach for Developing Decentralized Storage and Sharing Systems.
Tien-Thao Nguyen
Ba-Lam Do
A Novel Model Using CDN, P2P, and IPFS for Content Delivery.
FDSE (CCIS Volume)
Van-Anh Ngo
Thi-Thuy-Nga Doan
Tuan-Thanh Le
Thi-Huong Tran
Ba-Lam Do
Exploration and Integration of Job Portals in Vietnam.
Binh Minh Nguyen
Thanh-Chung Dao
Ba-Lam Do
Towards a blockchain-based certificate authentication system in Vietnam.
PeerJ Comput. Sci.
6 (2020)
Van-Duy Pham
Canh-Tuan Tran
Thang Nguyen
Tien-Thao Nguyen
Ba-Lam Do
Thanh-Chung Dao
Binh Minh Nguyen
B-Box - A Decentralized Storage System Using IPFS, Attributed-based Encryption, and Blockchain.
Ba-Lam Do
Quang-Thang Nguyen
Thang Nguyen
Tien-Thao Nguyen
Thanh-Chung Dao
Binh Minh Nguyen
BML: A Data Mapping Language for Blockchain Platforms.
Ngoc-Hoa Nguyen
Binh Minh Nguyen
Thanh-Chung Dao
Ba-Lam Do
Towards Blockchainizing Land Valuation Certificate Management Procedures in Vietnam.
Thanh-Chung Dao
Binh Minh Nguyen
Ba-Lam Do
Challenges and Strategies for Developing Decentralized Applications Based on Blockchain Technology.
Fajar J. Ekaputra
Ba-Lam Do
Elmar Kiesling
Niina Maarit Novak
Tuan-Dat Trinh
A Min Tjoa
Peb Ruswono Aryan
Towards Open Data Mashups for Data Journalism.
SEMANTiCS Posters&Demos
Tuan-Dat Trinh
Peb Ruswono Aryan
Ba-Lam Do
Fajar J. Ekaputra
Elmar Kiesling
Andreas Rauber
Peter Wetz
A Min Tjoa
Linked data processing provenance: towards transparent and reusable linked data integration.
Tuan-Dat Trinh
Peter Wetz
Ba-Lam Do
Elmar Kiesling
A Min Tjoa
Linked Widgets Platform for Rapid Collaborative Semantic Mashup Development.
Ba-Lam Do
Peter Wetz
Elmar Kiesling
Peb Ruswono Aryan
Tuan-Dat Trinh
A Min Tjoa
StatSpace: A Unified Platform for Statistical Data Exploration.
OTM Conferences
Ba-Lam Do
Tuan-Dat Trinh
Peb Ruswono Aryan
Peter Wetz
Elmar Kiesling
A Min Tjoa
Toward a statistical data integration environment: the role of semantic metadata.
Tuan-Dat Trinh
Peter Wetz
Ba-Lam Do
Peb Ruswono Aryan
Elmar Kiesling
A Min Tjoa
An Autocomplete Input Box for Semantic Annotation on the Web.
Tuan-Dat Trinh
Peter Wetz
Ba-Lam Do
Elmar Kiesling
A Min Tjoa
Semantic mashup composition from natural language expressions: preliminary results.
Tuan-Dat Trinh
Peter Wetz
Ba-Lam Do
Elmar Kiesling
A Min Tjoa
Distributed mashups: a collaborative approach to data integration.
Int. J. Web Inf. Syst.
11 (3) (2015)
Ba-Lam Do
Peb Ruswono Aryan
Tuan-Dat Trinh
Peter Wetz
Elmar Kiesling
A Min Tjoa
Toward a Framework for Statistical Data Integration.
Tuan-Dat Trinh
Peter Wetz
Ba-Lam Do
Amin Anjomshoaa
Elmar Kiesling
A Min Tjoa
Linked Widgets Platform: Lowering the Barrier for Open Data Exploration.
ESWC (Satellite Events)
Tuan-Dat Trinh
Peter Wetz
Ba-Lam Do
Amin Anjomshoaa
Elmar Kiesling
A Min Tjoa
Open Linked Widgets Mashup Platform.
Tuan-Dat Trinh
Ba-Lam Do
Peter Wetz
Amin Anjomshoaa
Elmar Kiesling
A Min Tjoa
A Drag-and-block Approach for Linked Open Data Exploration.
Peter Wetz
Tuan-Dat Trinh
Ba-Lam Do
Amin Anjomshoaa
Elmar Kiesling
A Min Tjoa
Towards an Environmental Information System for Semantic Stream Data.
Amin Anjomshoaa
Elmar Kiesling
Tuan-Dat Trinh
Ba-Lam Do
Peter Wetz
A Min Tjoa
Leveraging the web of data via linked widgets.
J. Serv. Sci. Res.
6 (1) (2014)
A Min Tjoa
Ba-Lam Do
Amin Anjomshoaa
Tuan-Dat Trinh
Peter Wetz
Elmar Kiesling
Exploring linked statistical data using linked widgets.
Ba-Lam Do
Tuan-Dat Trinh
Peter Wetz
Amin Anjomshoaa
Elmar Kiesling
A Min Tjoa
Widget-based Exploration of Linked Statistical Data Spaces.
Tuan-Dat Trinh
Peter Wetz
Ba-Lam Do
Amin Anjomshoaa
Elmar Kiesling
A Min Tjoa
Implementing Linked Widgets: lessons learned for Linked Data developers.
ISWC (Developers Workshop)
Ba-Lam Do
Tuan-Dat Trinh
Peter Wetz
Elmar Kiesling
Amin Anjomshoaa
A Min Tjoa
Multiscale Exploration of Spatial Statistical Datasets: A Linked Data Mashup Approach.
Tuan-Dat Trinh
Ba-Lam Do
Peter Wetz
Amin Anjomshoaa
Elmar Kiesling
A Min Tjoa
Open Mashup Platform - A Smart Data Exploration Environment.
ISWC (Posters & Demos)
Tuan-Dat Trinh
Peter Wetz
Ba-Lam Do
Amin Anjomshoaa
Elmar Kiesling
A Min Tjoa
A Web-based Platform for Dynamic Integration of Heterogeneous Data.
Tuan-Dat Trinh
Ba-Lam Do
Peter Wetz
Amin Anjomshoaa
A Min Tjoa
Linked Widgets: An Approach to Exploit Open Government Data.