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Antonio G. Camacho
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2011-2024
Publications (10 Years): 5
Top Topics
Input Space
Software Application
Temporal Relations
Growth Model
Top Venues
Comput. Geosci.
Remote. Sens.
Antonio G. Camacho
Peter Vajda
José Fernández
GROWTH-23: An integrated code for inversion of complete Bouguer gravity anomaly or temporal gravity changes.
Comput. Geosci.
182 (2024)
Antonio G. Camacho
Juan F. Prieto
Alfredo Aparicio
Eumenio Ancochea
José Fernández
software for structural gravity inversion and application to El Hierro (Canary Islands).
Comput. Geosci.
150 (2021)
Joaquin Escayo
José Fernández
Juan F. Prieto
Antonio G. Camacho
Mimmo Palano
Alfredo Aparicio
Gema Rodriguez Velasco
Eumenio Ancochea
Geodetic Study of the 2006-2010 Ground Deformation in La Palma (Canary Islands): Observational Results.
Remote. Sens.
12 (16) (2020)
Antonio G. Camacho
José Fernández
Modeling 3D Free-geometry Volumetric Sources Associated to Geological and Anthropogenic Hazards from Space and Terrestrial Geodetic Data.
Remote. Sens.
11 (17) (2019)
Antonio G. Camacho
José Fernández
Flavio Cannavò
PAF: A software tool to estimate free-geometry extended bodies of anomalous pressure from surface deformation data.
Comput. Geosci.
111 (2018)
Antonio G. Camacho
José Fernández
Joachim Gottsmann
The 3-D gravity inversion package GROWTH2.0 and its application to Tenerife Island, Spain.
Comput. Geosci.
37 (4) (2011)