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Andrey Shulipa
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2012-2022
Publications (10 Years): 16
Top Topics
Similarity Matrices
Computationally Feasible
Domain Adaptation
Speaker Recognition
Top Venues
Galina Lavrentyeva
Sergey Novoselov
Andrey Shulipa
Marina Volkova
Aleksandr Kozlov
Investigation of Different Calibration Methods for Deep Speaker Embedding based Verification Systems.
Galina Lavrentyeva
Sergey Novoselov
Vladimir Volokhov
Anastasia Avdeeva
Aleksei Gusev
Alisa Vinogradova
Igor Korsunov
Alexander Kozlov
Timur Pekhovsky
Andrey Shulipa
Evgeny Smirnov
Vasiliy Galyuk
STC Speaker Recognition System for the NIST SRE 2021.
Anastasia Avdeeva
Aleksei Gusev
Igor Korsunov
Alexander Kozlov
Galina Lavrentyeva
Sergey Novoselov
Timur Pekhovsky
Andrey Shulipa
Alisa Vinogradova
Vladimir Volokhov
Evgeny Smirnov
Vasiliy Galyuk
STC speaker recognition systems for the NIST SRE 2021.
Aleksei Gusev
Vladimir Volokhov
Tseren Andzhukaev
Sergey Novoselov
Galina Lavrentyeva
Marina Volkova
Alice Gazizullina
Andrey Shulipa
Artem Gorlanov
Anastasia Avdeeva
Artem Ivanov
Alexander Kozlov
Timur Pekhovsky
Yuri Matveev
Deep Speaker Embeddings for Far-Field Speaker Recognition on Short Utterances.
Aleksei Gusev
Vladimir Volokhov
Alisa Vinogradova
Tseren Andzhukaev
Andrey Shulipa
Sergey Novoselov
Timur Pekhovsky
Alexander Kozlov
STC-Innovation Speaker Recognition Systems for Far-Field Speaker Verification Challenge 2020.
Aleksei Gusev
Vladimir Volokhov
Tseren Andzhukaev
Sergey Novoselov
Galina Lavrentyeva
Marina Volkova
Alice Gazizullina
Andrey Shulipa
Artem Gorlanov
Anastasia Avdeeva
Artem Ivanov
Alexander Kozlov
Timur Pekhovsky
Yuri Matveev
Deep Speaker Embeddings for Far-Field Speaker Recognition on Short Utterances.
Sergey Novoselov
Aleksei Gusev
Artem Ivanov
Timur Pekhovsky
Andrey Shulipa
Galina Lavrentyeva
Vladimir Volokhov
Alexandr Kozlov
STC Speaker Recognition Systems for the VOiCES from a Distance Challenge.
Sergey Novoselov
Aleksei Gusev
Artem Ivanov
Timur Pekhovsky
Andrey Shulipa
Galina Lavrentyeva
Vladimir Volokhov
Alexandr Kozlov
STC Speaker Recognition Systems for the VOiCES from a Distance Challenge.
Sergey Novoselov
Aleksei Gusev
Artem Ivanov
Timur Pekhovsky
Andrey Shulipa
Anastasia Avdeeva
Artem Gorlanov
Alexandr Kozlov
Speaker Diarization with Deep Speaker Embeddings for DIHARD Challenge II.
Sergey Novoselov
Aleksei Gusev
Artem Ivanov
Timur Pekhovsky
Andrey Shulipa
Galina Lavrentyeva
Vladimir Volokhov
Alexandr Kozlov
STC Speaker Recognition Systems for the VOiCES From a Distance Challenge.
Sergey Novoselov
Vadim Shchemelinin
Andrey Shulipa
Alexander Kozlov
Ivan Kremnev
Triplet Loss Based Cosine Similarity Metric Learning for Text-independent Speaker Recognition.
Sergey Novoselov
Andrey Shulipa
Ivan Kremnev
Alexander Kozlov
Vadim Shchemelinin
On deep speaker embeddings for text-independent speaker recognition.
Sergey Novoselov
Andrey Shulipa
Ivan Kremnev
Alexandr Kozlov
Vadim Shchemelinin
On deep speaker embeddings for text-independent speaker recognition.
Andrey Shulipa
Aleksey Sholohov
Yuri Matveev
Clustering Target Speaker on a Set of Telephone Dialogs.
Andrey Shulipa
Sergey Novoselov
Yuri Matveev
Scores Calibration in Speaker Recognition Systems.
Andrey Shulipa
Sergey Novoselov
Aleksandr Melnikov
Approaches for Out-of-Domain Adaptation to Improve Speaker Recognition Performance.
Sergey Novoselov
Timur Pekhovsky
Andrey Shulipa
Oleg Kudashev
Plda-based system for text-prompted password speaker verification.
Alexey Sholokhov
Timur Pekhovsky
Oleg Kudashev
Andrey Shulipa
Tomi Kinnunen
Bayesian analysis of similarity matrices for speaker diarization.
Sergey Novoselov
Timur Pekhovsky
Andrey Shulipa
Alexey Sholokhov
Text-dependent GMM-JFA system for password based speaker verification.
Sergey Novoselov
Timur Pekhovsky
Konstantin Simonchik
Andrey Shulipa
RBM-PLDA subsystem for the NIST i-vector challenge.
Alexander Kozlov
Oleg Kudashev
Yuri Matveev
Timur Pekhovsky
Konstantin Simonchik
Andrey Shulipa
SVID Speaker Recognition System for NIST SRE 2012.
Konstantin Simonchik
Andrey Shulipa
Timur Pekhovsky
Effective estimation of a multi-session speaker model using information on signal parameters.
Konstantin Simonchik
Timur Pekhovsky
Andrey Shulipa
Anton Afanasyev
Supervized Mixture of PLDA Models for Cross-Channel Speaker Verification.