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Amar Mezache
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2007-2024
Publications (10 Years): 19
Top Topics
Order Statistics
Maximum Likelihood
Parameter Estimation
False Alarm Rate
Top Venues
IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst.
Signal Image Video Process.
Khaled Zebiri
Amar Mezache
Quadruple-order statistics CFAR algorithm for Pareto type I environment.
Signal Image Video Process.
18 (3) (2024)
Khaled Zebiri
Amar Mezache
CFAR detection using two scale invariant functions in heterogeneous Weibull clutter.
Signal Image Video Process.
18 (10) (2024)
Zakia Terki
Amar Mezache
Fouad Chebbara
Analysis of CFAR Detection in a Pareto Type II Clutter with Multiple Pulses.
Zakia Terki
Amar Mezache
Fouad Chebbara
Radar Clutter Modeling Based on CGIG and Mixture CGIG Distributions.
Khaled Zebiri
Amar Mezache
Triple-order statistics-based CFAR detection for heterogeneous Pareto type I background.
Signal Image Video Process.
17 (4) (2023)
Taha Hocine Kerbaa
Amar Mezache
Fulvio Gini
Maria S. Greco
Multi-headed deep learning-based estimator for correlated-SIRV Pareto type II distributed clutter.
EURASIP J. Adv. Signal Process.
2023 (1) (2023)
Taha Hocine Kerbaa
Amar Mezache
Houcine Oudira
Effect of Non-Integer Order Moments on Parameter Estimation of Pareto Distributed Clutter plus Noise.
Taha Hocine Kerbaa
Amar Mezache
Houcine Oudira
On the Performance of GLRT-LTD CFAR Processor in Correlated Pareto Clutter Under Different Estimators.
Khaled Zebiri
Amar Mezache
Radar CFAR detection for multiple-targets situations for Weibull and log-normal distributed clutter.
Signal Image Video Process.
15 (8) (2021)
Zakia Terki
Fouad Chebbara
Amar Mezache
Analysis of non-coherent CFAR detectors in sea-clutter: A comparison.
Taha Hocine Kerbaa
Amar Mezache
Houcine Oudira
Parameter Estimation in Radar K-Clutter Plus Noise Based on Otsu's Algorithm.
Ingénierie des Systèmes d Inf.
25 (3) (2020)
Nouh Guidoum
Faouzi Soltani
Amar Mezache
Two novel radar detectors for spiky sea clutter with the presence of thermal noise and interfering targets.
Turkish J. Electr. Eng. Comput. Sci.
28 (3) (2020)
Houcine Oudira
Amar Mezache
Aissa Chouder
Solar Cell Parameters Extraction of Photovoltaic Module Using NeIder-Mead Optimization.
Nouh Guidoum
Faouzi Soltani
Khaled Zebiri
Amar Mezache
Robust Non Parametric CFAR Detector in Compound Gaussian Clutter in the Presence of Thermal Noise and Interfering Targets.
Amel Gouri
Amar Mezache
Houcine Oudira
The Performance of Decentralized CFAR Detection Using Biogeography Based Optimization.
Miloud Bentoumi
Djamel Chikouche
Amar Mezache
Haddi Bakhti
Wavelet DT method for water leak-detection using a vibration sensor: an experimental analysis.
IET Signal Process.
11 (4) (2017)
Khaled Zebiri
Faouzi Soltani
Amar Mezache
Robust non parametric CFAR detector in compound Gaussian clutter.
Mohamed Sahed
Amar Mezache
Closed-Form Fractional-Moment-Based Estimators for K-Distributed Clutter-Plus-Noise Parameters.
IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst.
53 (4) (2017)
Amar Mezache
Izzeddine Chalabi
Toufik Laroussi
Mohamed Sahed
K-clutter plus noise parameter estimation using fractional positive and negative moments.
IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst.
52 (2) (2016)
Amar Mezache
Mohamed Sahed
Faouzi Soltani
Izzeddine Chalabi
Estimation of the k-distributed clutter plus thermal noise parameters using higher order and fractional moments.
IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst.
51 (1) (2015)
Mohamed Sahed
Amar Mezache
Toufik Laroussi
A novel [z log(z)]-based closed form approach to parameter estimation of k-distributed clutter plus noise for radar detection.
IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst.
51 (1) (2015)
Amar Mezache
Faouzi Soltani
Mohamed Sahed
Izzeddine Chalabi
Model for non-rayleigh clutter amplitudes using compound inverse gaussian distribution: an experimental analysis.
IEEE Trans. Aerosp. Electron. Syst.
51 (1) (2015)
Izzeddine Chalabi
Amar Mezache
Estimating the K-distribution parameters based on fractional negative moments.
Izzeddine Chalabi
Amar Mezache
Sea clutter modeling in presence of thermal noise using beta-prime texture distribution.
Souad Chabbi
Toufik Laroussi
Amar Mezache
Automatic WH-based edge detector in Weibull clutter.
Amar Mezache
Izzeddine Chalabi
Estimation of the RiIG-distribution parameters using the Artificial Neural Networks.
Amar Mezache
Faouzi Soltani
Threshold optimization of decentralized CFAR detection in weibull clutter using genetic algorithms.
Signal Image Video Process.
2 (1) (2008)
Amar Mezache
Faouzi Soltani
A New Approach for Estimating the Parameters of the rmK-Distribution Using Fuzzy-Neural Networks.
IEEE Trans. Signal Process.
56 (11) (2008)
Amar Mezache
Faouzi Soltani
Threshold optimization for distributed CFAR detection in Weibull clutter using genetic algorithms.
Amar Mezache
Faouzi Soltani
A novel threshold optimization of ML-CFAR detector in Weibull clutter using fuzzy-neural networks.
Signal Process.
87 (9) (2007)