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Alexandra Hofmann
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2017-2021
Publications (10 Years): 5
Top Topics
Interaction Design
Classification Systems
Mixed Reality
Social Software
Top Venues
MuC (Workshopband)
IUI Workshops
PerCom Workshops
IEEE Consumer Electron. Mag.
Alexandra Hofmann
Partizipation im Kontext virtueller Psychoedukation.
MuC (Workshopband)
Jonathan Harth
Alexandra Hofmann
Mixed Reality Methods. Preliminary Considerations for Multimodal Analysis of Human-Agent Interactions.
IUI Workshops
Janick Edinger
Alexandra Hofmann
Anton Wachner
Christian Becker
Vaskar Raychoudhury
Christian Krupitzer
WheelShare: Crowd-Sensed Surface Classification for Accessible Routing.
PerCom Workshops
Jonathan Harth
Alexandra Hofmann
Mike Karst
David Kempf
Annelie Ostertag
Isabell Przemus
Bernhard Schaefermeyer
Different Types of Users, Different Types of Immersion: A User Study of Interaction Design and Immersion in Consumer Virtual Reality.
IEEE Consumer Electron. Mag.
7 (4) (2018)
Alexandra Hofmann
Samresh Perchani
Jan Portisch
Sven Hertling
Heiko Paulheim
DBkWik: Towards Knowledge Graph Creation from Thousands of Wikis.
ISWC (Posters, Demos & Industry Tracks)