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A. Ahmad
Publication Activity (10 Years)
Years Active: 2007-2022
Publications (10 Years): 2
Top Topics
Heat Diffusion
Top Venues
Ars Comb.
Eng. Comput.
M. Iqbal
K. Alam
A. Ahmad
S. Maqsood
H. Ullah
B. Ullah
An enriched finite element method for efficient solutions of transient heat diffusion problems with multiple heat sources.
Eng. Comput.
38 (4) (2022)
A. Ahmad
N. Akhtar
Wajeb Gharibi
A. Ashraf
Computing total edge product cordial labeling of circulant graphs.
Ars Comb.
141 (2018)
A. Ahmad
A Simulation Experiment on a Built-In Self Test Equipped with Pseudorandom Test Pattern Generator and Multi-Input Shift Register (MISR)
A. Ahmad
João Loures Salinet Jr.
P. Brown
Jiun H. Tuan
Peter J. Stafford
Ghulam André Ng
Fernando S. Schlindwein
QRS subtraction for atrial electrograms: flat, linear and spline interpolations.
Medical Biol. Eng. Comput.
49 (11) (2011)
D. Andriyanto
D. Tarsono
A. Ahmad
M. Zamzuri
Z. Manaf
M. Najib A.
PMD compensation with combined optical amplifier for 40G systems.
Elena Meshkova
Z. Wangt
Jad Nasreddine
Daniel Denkovski
C. Zhao
Krisakorn Rerkrai
Tim Farnham
A. Ahmad
Alain Gefflaut
Liljana Gavrilovska
Petri Mähönen
Using cognitive radio principles for wireless resource management in home networking.
R. Caulkin
A. Ahmad
Michael Fairweather
Xiaodong Jia
R. A. Williams
Digital predictions of complex cylinder packed columns.
Comput. Chem. Eng.
33 (1) (2009)
Richard Caulkin
A. Ahmad
Michael Fairweather
Xiaodong Jia
R. A. Williams
An investigation of sphere packed shell-side columns using a digital packing algorithm.
Comput. Chem. Eng.
31 (12) (2007)